#Rumil of Lothlorien x reader
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wareagleofthemountain · 7 months ago
"It's not my birthday." For Rúmil
Summery: reader sets up a scavenger hunt for Rumil’s not-birthday. Hope you enjoy this silly little drabble!
You and Rumil had only been seeing one another for a few months now, but you still wanted to make his begetting day special. Granted, your heart nearly leapt into your throat when you’d overheard two passing by Wardens discussing his upcoming begetting day celebration yesterday. In two days they said.
Two days?
His special day was only two days away and you had no idea? You mentally kicked yourself for being so short sighted, and your mind began racing trying to come up with a plan of action. Your eyes quickly scanned the living room of your Talan, landing on Rumil’s current favorite read, a murder mystery detective novel, that he’d left at your place during his last visit.
“Hmm…” You muse aloud. “I think I have an idea.”
Rumil rubbed his aching head as he trudged up the spiral stairs leading to your Talan. No one ever said leading a team of rookie soldiers through the Misty Mountains on a month long trek would be an easy task, but not even Rumil was prepared for the bone-deep exhaustion he felt now. It would all be worth it however as this operation secured his promotion. He was now responsible for a watchtower and squadron of his own, and the first elf he wanted to share the exciting news with was you. Swiping the spare key from under your doormat, he quietly slipped inside.
“Meleth, are you home?” His pointed ears swiveled back and forth, listening for a reply while his brow furrowed when he poked his head into your bedroom and saw no one in there. His sweep of the premises confirmed that the Talan was empty, and a small sigh of disappointment fell from his lips. Opting to simply rest on your couch until your return, Rumil headed to your kitchen to get himself a glass of water before lying down.
That was… until a bright red envelope on the counter caught his eye. Usually, the ellon was not one to go snooping through your things, but the envelope had his name on the front printed in your hand writing. Curiosity overcame him and he opened the letter and read it aloud.
“Congratulations! You have found the first clue. That which you seek must be found in stages. Go to the place that blooms red in the Spring and unlock your next clue.”
Rumil scratched his head. “What in Arda are they…” A soft clatter resounded when a small key fell out of the bottom of the envelope and hit the wooden floor. Bending over to retrieve it, Rumil inspected the object carefully.
“The place that blooms red in the Spring.” He hums, twisting the key between the pads of his fingers. “The rose garden I wager.”
Interest thoroughly peeked, Rumil set off with a slight bounce in his step towards the royal red rose gardens that had just begun to bloom. He gently pulled back a long stem and pulled forward the wooden chest that was hidden beneath the bush. Smiling, rather excited, he unlocked the chest to see what was concealed inside. On top was a second red envelope, and beneath that lay neat rows of Rumil’s favorite charcoal pencils he often used to draw with. He blushed and made a mental note to scold you for how much coin this must have cost you. But he couldn’t deny the shiver of excitement that ran up his spine. He’d been needing a new set for the better part of a year, and did not want to spend the money on himself.
Wiping the dirt from the face of the envelope, he awaited his next instruction. “Go to the place of our first meeting and collect your final clue.”
He chuckled, remembering that day well. You hadn’t tightened your saddle enough and nearly flipped off your horse as soon as you mounted. You would have too had Rumil not been there to catch you. To the stables it is.
Rumil was greeted with the sight of you seated atop a pure white mare upon his arrival. You smiled brightly. “You made it!”
He set his basket of pencils down and grinned back. “Aye. What was this wild goose chase for hmm?”
“Hop on and I’ll show you.” He swung up into the saddle behind you, his hands circling your waist as you rode down to the river bank where a picnic platter was waiting. A plate full of neatly arranged meats, cheese slices, nuts, and dried fruit presented itself in the foreground while a strawberry cake lay in waiting for dessert.
“Happy begetting day!” You exclaim, and his eyes crinkle in a smile.
Later that night, tired from your efforts, you find yourself dozing on your couch with your head in Rumil’s lap. At some point in your groggy state, you became aware of Haldir’s presence in your home and how the brothers were now murmuring to each other in low voices.
“But… your begetting day is not for another turn of the moon brother.”
Rumil strokes your head. “I know, but they were so eager. I couldn’t break the news.”
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awkwardkindatries · 3 years ago
Kinktober Day 16: Public humiliation
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Words: 1752
Rumil is renownedly known throughout Lorien for his mischievous nature, his knack for teasing, mocking and pranking. Over time he’s gone from being a little pest to the elders to being seen as more of a force of nature that cannot be stopped despite anyone's best efforts. He just has a way with his tongue that manages to get him in and out of most situations despite the severity or lesson to be gained and on top of it all he doesn’t particularly care who he drags down with him into his shinanagains. That brings you to your current predicament.
Rumil has long since grown bored on watch shift, having taken to tossing small stones out into the distance in a vain attempt to keep the boredom at bay. He’s pulled away from the echo of empty thrumming bouncing through his head at the sounds of steps making their way over to him. Immediately his mood perks up as you come into view, a smile on your face as you gesture lightly at him in greeting.
He loves the color in your face that comes with the joy at seeing him and it makes his chest tighten in a way that he’d never admit easily. When you get close enough you offer up to him a small and lightly wrapped package in an ornate scarf, explaining that you thought you’d bring him his next meal since he was on watch and wanted to make sure he’d be eating properly. The effort he puts into trying to choke down the blush on his face is incredible as he thanks you for the obviously homemade food.
It's not fair, he thinks, how easily you make his chest flutter, how excited he gets when he sees you, how just being close to you has progressed from friendly shoving to not being able to touch you at all for fear of his pants tightening. As you sit beside him on the wall of the bridge he catches your scent on the wind as he chokes up and grabs tighter to the fabric around his lunchbox.
Caught off guard by his sudden noise you ask if he’s ok, leaning over you grab his chin in your hand and turn him to look at you, his pointed nose and eyes doing their best to avoid you. Bringing him down to your level you press your forehead to his, a look of contemplation on your face as you consider his temperature. Despite his elvish nature he’s certain he was burning up.
“You’re warm”
Your face crinkles in worry as you pull back, “are you ok?” You ask, worried about the color coming to his usually pale features.
He feels an unusual emotion bubbling up in his chest at the close proximity, at the feeling of you touching him, face mere inches from his. Turning his head rapidly as he looks in every direction atop the bridge, he concludes that the coast is clear then grabs your wrist, dragging you off the side of the path at the entrance to the bridge and down a deer trail below. He refuses to answer your line of questioning as you protest following him into one of his many hidey holes, you’ve come to learn a good few of them after befriending him.
The moment he stops at the direct center below the bridge he turns abruptly on his heel to face you and in an awkward squak he throws his hand up to point at you and asks “ D-does your chest hurt too?!”
It was a loud shout for how close he was and he seemed more panicked than curious, with this in mind you simply ask “what?” When did you get lost?
His face only gets more red as he glares craters into the earth at his feet and for the first time since you’ve known him Rumil is speechless. He feels like a fool who’s just embarrassed himself and now he’s only digging his hole deeper as his silver tongue seems to have become cotton in mouth. More than anything though, he’s hurt. Either he was completely daft at expressing his feelings, which is absolutely unheard of, or you didn’t return his sentiments.
Collecting what little of his pride he had left he purses his lips and starts to stalk away, brushing past you you barely catch the “never mind” that he gives in response.
“Wait!” You call out, grabbing firmly to his wrist you yank backwards causing the awkward ellon nearly fall backward onto his rear in the grass below. Catching him against yourself you two find each other face to face once again just a breath away.
He still refuses to look at you but you’ve grown accustomed to his childish nature and elect to ignore it for more pressing matters. “What did you mean?”
Immediately he’s on guard again as his posture closes up and he looks on the verge of tears, muttering yet again under his breath you weren’t able to catch it this time. Growing frustrated you harden your tone and yank him forward by the arm still in your grasp and demand an answer “ Dammit Rumil please, enough with the childishness! What’s wrong, please..” your eyes are hardened and hurt as they connect with his. His chest puffs up as he takes a deep breath stuttering every few moments before he once again blurts out “My chest hurts! S-so I think that’s the sign!”
“What sign Rumil?”
He places his free hand on top of the one that still has his arm in your grasp as his face sets in defeat, his voice is suddenly very soft as he answers. “That you’re my one..”
Your face suddenly feels hot and you no longer feel like two adults talking in private but rather mere children discovering love for the first time. You’re not sure what to say but the closeness is suddenly very apparent to you as you can feel his breath on your face and see every stand in his eyes, he’s hopeful.
“Would you like to find out?” You ask, filled with certainty at his hope. You’d wondered for the longest time just how long it’d take him to realize that you loved him, wanted to care for him, worried about him.
“How?” He asks, soft and curious.
“Close your eyes” you respond
Hesitantly he does so and the next moment finds himself crashing hard into the ground below. The next second you're sitting atop his waist, as your hands rest on his chest. He has a split second to take in the moment before your lips connect with his and he feels himself melt into your touch. Immediately his hands come to rest on your waist ticking you in tightly against him as he rolls his weight to the side, trapping you beneath him.
He pulls away from your lips and starts a harsh and sloppy trail down the side of your neck, his hands trembling in anxiousness despite putting up his sudden dominance. Your hands brace against his shoulders as you take in the sudden attention and pant out hard into his hair.
His right hand glides down the front of your body as his lips reach your chest, biting at and teasing the fabric that covers your chest as his fingers dance lightly against the hem of your trousers? He doesn’t ask and simply waits for you to pursue the potential of the moment. Whining out your desire he proceeds with a push past your waist band and a self assure chuckle.
Immediately he finds your core and begins to assault you in enthusiasm and inexperience. His strokes are harsh and quick and leave little to nothing untouched in the wake of his desire to please you and with a little guidance from your end you find yourself quickly on the way to your end.
Your moments away from euphoria when he stops and immediately you’re frustrated “Hey, what are you-“
Immediately you're silenced as his unoccupied hand comes up to gesture for silence with a single raised finger as he listens closely to your surroundings. You hadn’t even realized but the idol chatter of two guards sounded out as they had begun to make their way across the bridge in search of Rumil. As the two of you listen in silence you almost cry out at the feeling of two of his fingers squirming inside of you. You stare at him incredulously as his weasel grin returns to his face, his eyes shifting from you to the guards above.
Your hands shoot to your mouth in a desperate attempt to silence your cry’s as you catch bits and prices of the two men acknowledge the long forgotten lunchbox at his post and continue to speculate on his whereabouts. Meanwhile, the pace of his fingers postponing inside of you has only increased as he’s hiked both of your legs to wrap around his waist as he hovers above you. Taking the liberty to break you further, he comes to rest beside your head as he mumbles sultry things to you, degrading you for how much wetter you’ve gotten at the prospect of getting caught. How would that make you feel? To have witnesses to your debauchery, for them to lean over the edge like so and bare the sight of his fingers fucking into your core like a vice.
You're so embarrassed that you’re at the brink of orgasm yet again, that his words affect you so much to have made you feel dirty and yet still desire his touch. You breath is baited and swallowed as the distant sounds of the guards receding further into the borders in search of your lover reach your ears in the nick of time.
“So well behaved, perhaps I was wrong?”
Doubling down his efforts his hand snaps into you with more force and suddenly you're crying out into your clasped hands as your back arches into the earth below and you tremble tightly around the ellon above. You need a moment to come down from your high but when your inhibitions come back to you he’s returned to his knees as he bares a childish excitement.
“Ha, I did it! You came! I mean-of course you did” he laughs off.
Beginning to mess with the buckle to his trousers he looks back at you and catches your eyes, “Now what say you I make you come again?”
You almost roll your eyes, this impish monster will be the death of you.
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kenobiguacamole · 4 years ago
Shattered (Haldir X fem!Reader) Part 2
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A/N: Part 2 is finally here! I never meant for this story to be anymore than a one-shot but then I felt bad for not giving Haldir a happy ending and lets all be honest with ourselves, he deserves to have a happy ending *ahem* Peter Jackson *ahem*. This story has really taken on a life of its own. Needless to say, there is definitely going to be a part 3, maybe a part 4 depending on where the plot takes me. Also, “Y/N” in this fic was written with a certain hair/eye color because that is what I imagined as I was writing it but feel free to imagine whatever hair/eye color you want!
Thank you for reading! I appreciate all of you, even the silent readers!
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, some kissing, female reader, questionable grammar, Haldir being Haldir.
“Haldir!” Y/N shouted from the top of the mallorn their talan resided in. “Meleth nin! You are finally home!” It had been two long months since Haldir had departed for the borders of Lorien. Two long months you had been without him by your side. Two long months since you had felt the firm press of his slightly chapped lips against yours. Two months too long for many things but none of that mattered now. He was here and he was safe.
You sidled down the curving steps of the mallorn. Your slightly extended belly proved to be a hinderance but that did not stop you from racing down the steps and flinging yourself bodily into you husbands extended arms. You felt the woolen fibers of his grey tunic scratch the sensitive skin of your cheek as you pressed it against his broad shoulder. You noticed some rips and tears that would need mending but that could wait until later; none of that mattered right now. All that mattered was that you were once again reunited with your love.
Haldir could finally breathe. He felt as if a weight had been placed upon his chest since his departure for the fences and was just now being lifted. He felt the tension and stress melt away as he breathed in your scent. The sweet jasmine infused oils that you liked to use in your daily baths mixed with what Haldir could only describe as you. Tendrils of rich copper tickled his nose as he nuzzled his cheek against the top of your hair. Home. That is the only word that could resonate with his current state. Love. It was the only emotion he could register. It invaded his very soul; it curled around his fingertips; it embraced every part of his body until he was woozy with it. Carefully, he set you down on your feet as one hand extended towards you swollen belly and the other wrapped possessively behind the back of your neck, fingers curling around the thick, red curls, and crashed his lips against yours. The world was quiet. He could not hear the songbirds whistling their early morning tune, nor could he hear the rustle of the golden leaves of the mellryn that surrounded them. All he could hear was the pounding of his heart; the erratic thump, thump, thump for the woman who stood in his embrace. His love. His soulmate. His Y/N.
“Y/N.” Her whispered name but a prayer upon his kiss-starved lips. “I have missed you dearly, meleth nin. Not one day has gone by where I have not longed to be with you. My heart sings to have you back in my arms.”
Y/N lent back on the balls of her feet, reaching up to tenderly cup the side of her husband’s jaw before reaching back up on tip toes to capture his lips with her own. Haldir was considerably taller than she was —at least a head taller. And where most elves were lithe and willowy, Haldir was broad and muscled. She could barely wrap both of her hands around one of his biceps and the sheer breadth of his shoulders was enough to intimidate even the burliest of beings. Except for her, of course. Where Haldir often felt awkward in his physical appearance, she reveled in it. She missed the feeling of his strong arms wrapping around her waist or how he would have to bend down to bestow a kiss upon her lips. He was beautiful, in a lethal sort of way and she never failed to remind him how attractive he was to her, to which such a statement would cause his cheeks to sport a bright red blush and would leave him sputtering. For being a Marchwarden of Lorien, he sure did fluster easily.
“How have you faired, melda?” Haldir whispered as he broke apart from your lips, eyes hooded with desire.
You snaked a hand into the back of his hair, fingers tugging at the warrior braid in the back as you pulled his head down for another languid kiss. “I am better now that you are here.” You murmured against his lips as you traced their outline with the tip of your tongue.
A purely masculine noise rose from the back of Haldir’s throat at your ministrations. The hand that gripped the back of your neck slowly began to make its way down, tracing the length of your spine.
“And how is our little one fairing?” He managed to choke out between his labored breaths.
“Our child fairs well.” You respond as you lace your fingers through his hand that is still resting on your swollen belly. “But they have missed you greatly, just as I have, and we are overjoyed to have you back at home.”
At hearing this, Haldir sported a small, shy smile and finally met your eyes. Amber eyes that shown as gold as the halls of Erebor shown back at his stormy blue ones. Eyes filled with such love and warmth that he could hardly believe you were looking at him. Him. Of all people, you chose to love him, and he would spend the rest of his days proving to you that he deserved your love. Haldir took your hand in his larger one, rubbing a calloused thumb over the smooth skin of your knuckles and gently coaxed you towards the steps leading to your shared talan.
“Come, my love. Let us continue this upstairs,” but before he could take another step, Y/N’s hand slid out of his. “Y/N, meleth nin, wh—” Haldir froze. The clearing you were just standing in, the clearing in front of your talan, the clearing where he had asked you to spend the rest of your immortal life with him, was empty. In fact—there was no clearing. There was no talan. No mellryn. No Y/N. Everything surrounding him was black. He could not make out the leaf strewn ground that was there mere moments ago, nor could he see the sun, the moon, the stars. Nothing.
“Y/N?” Haldir hesitantly called out to you. “Y/N!” he yelled in a more panicked tone, spinning in circles, eyes searching for any sign of you. Dread began to pool itself inside of his belly, heart beating erratically. What was happening? Where did you go? “Y/N!” he screamed as he began to frantically run towards the nothingness. He knew that he was moving and yet he felt like he was standing in the same blank void where he had held you. Haldir stopped, turning in circles, hoping to catch any glimpse of where you may have gone. His hands curled into the sides of his hair as he yanked on it in desperation. Breathing erratic, heart somersaulting inside of his chest, Haldir fell to his knees and in one final attempt, cried your name up to the heavens in hopes that Eru himself may hear and take pity on him….”
Translations: Meleth nin- my love
                      Melda- dear, beloved one
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Take a Break
Haldir x gn!half-elven!reader
Summary: As a half-elven member of the Galadhrim you feel that you constantly have to prove yourself. Haldir comforts and reassures you.
Authors Note: Haldir won the vote!! I’m glad he won because we all need some Haldir in our lives <3
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The cool night air was biting as it nipped at your exposed skin. You were a half-elf, but your elven lineage did not protect you from the harsh temperature. You wrapped your cloak around yourself, trying to keep in any heat you could. Turning your focus back to the forest, you continued your watch.
The sounds of your fellow Galadhrim laughing as they sat around the warm fire made you long to join them. Technically, your watch was over. You could return to camp and another elf would take your place. No, you remembered. The others could easily stand watch all night. If they must do it, so could you.
From across the camp, Haldir watched as you attempted to block out the cold. Your watch had ended well over an hour ago. He stood and walked towards you.
“(Y/N),” he said, now by your side. “Allow me to relieve you from your watch.” Haldir noticed you shift your weight from one foot to the other.
“Thank you, Haldir, but I’m fine.” You didn’t meet his eyes as you replied. The marchwarden was kind to you, but that didn’t make him any less intimidating. One wrong move and you were afraid he would dismiss you.
“I can see that you’re cold, (Y/N). It is my duty as marchwarden to ensure the health and safety of the people of Lothlorien,” he paused. “And that includes you.”
“Haldir, I promise. I’ll be ok.” You sighed, turning away from him. You expected him to leave, but he didn’t.
“You don’t have to push yourself so hard, you know,” he said quietly. “You’ve proven yourself time and again to everyone.”
“I don’t want the others to think I’m weak,” you admitted. If you had been facing Haldir you would have seen the sympathetic look upon his face. “Especially you.” It was barely above a whisper, but Haldir heard. He placed a hand on your shoulder and gently turned you so you were facing him.
“(Y/N),” he started. “I could never think of you as weak. It saddens me to hear you say such things. I care for you more than-“ Haldir cut himself off. You noticed the red now tinting his face. “Forgive me. I’ve said too much.”
You slowly looked up and met his gaze. “Do you mean it? Truly?”
“I-Yes. I-I do,” he mumbled nervously. “It is not my place as marchwarden to have such feelings for one of my soldiers, but I’ve come to admire you.” He placed his hand on the side of your face, gently caressing your cheek with his thumb. “Your ambition. Your strength.”
At his words, you felt your face become heated. “Thank you, Haldir. I’ve...come to admire you as well.” You felt his hand fall away from your face. He now extended it for you to take.
“Does this mean you’ve finished your watch then?” You noticed the quirk of his mouth, ever so hinting of his smile.
“Yes,” you replied, taking his hand.
When you were seated around the fire, you joined the others in laughing as Rumil let out a dramatic groan when Haldir told him to take watch.
“I took watch last night! It should be Orophins turn!”
“Rumil!” Haldir gave his brother a look. As Rumil left to take your place, you and Haldir shared a look and began laughing. Once your giggles died down, you felt Haldir place an arm around your shoulders. He felt you stiffen at the display of affection. “Is this ok?” He asked.
“Yes,” you answered. “It’s more than ok,” you said as you leaned your head against his shoulder.
Oh, you could get used to this.
Tags: @themerriweathermage
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deep-space-elf · 4 years ago
Haldir x Reader Masterlist
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Masterlist: Desktop  On Ao3: Haldir x Reader Collection || The Reader in Middle Earth Series
⦃Relaxing⦄ - [Read on Ao3] Summary: Haldir relaxes after spending a long time at the borders. Y/N comes along and keeps him company. Word Count: 255
⦃Stargazing⦄ - [Read on Ao3] Summary: Haldir and the Reader spend the evening stargazing Word Count: 206
Come Back to Me ⦃Part One⦄ - [Ao3 Link] Summary: The Reader, Rúmil and Orophin worry about Haldir when he leaves for Helm’s Deep. Word Count: 1.385 Warnings: Angst, mention of possible death, injury (NO detailed description), blood   Come Back to Me ⦃Part Two⦄ - [Ao3 Link] Summary: Haldir is back from Helm’s Deep, but has suffered a terrible wound. The Reader tries her best to be there for him Word Count: 1.173 Warnings: Angst, mention of possible death, Injury (no detailed description), character being in pain
One Shots:
⦃Jealousy⦄ - [Ao3 Link] Summary: The Felloship arrived in Lothlorien and Y/N is happy to see her friend Legolas again. Haldir isn’t so thrilled about they reunion… Word Count: 845
⦃Unwanted⦄ - [Ao3 Link] Summary: Y/N is fed up with her crush on Haldir, thinking he’d never return her feelings for him. She plans on doing everything she can to stop this stupid infatuation but thanks to Rúmil her plan is doomed to fail. Word Count: 1770
★ Meeting Haldir and slowly falling in love  [Ao3 Link] ★ Having a Rough Time  [Ao3 Link] ★ Starting a relationship with Haldir [Ao3 Link] ★ Haldir proposes to you [Ao3 Link]
★ Imagine Haldir trying to teach you how to use a bow  [Ao3 Link] ★ Imagine overhearing Haldir asking Legolas if you’re taken  [Ao3 Link] ★ Imagine being friends with Rumil and having a crush on Haldir   ★ Imagine Having breakfast in bed with Haldir  [Ao3 Link] ★ Imagine Haldir consoling you after you had to cut your hair short   [Ao3 Link] ★ Imagine Haldir showing off in front of you  [Ao3 Link]
★ Thranduil, Haldir & Lindir when the human!Reader is ill  
If you want to be tagged, let me know! :)
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elfy-elf-imagines · 5 years ago
Cruel Summer | Orophin
Pairing: Orophin x Human!reader
Genre: Angst with some fluff at the end
Warnings: Heartbreak; unrequited feelings...??
Words: ~5,222 (oh boy is it a long one)
Note: If you’d like to be added to a tag list for any of my works, there’s a link on my page! I hope you all enjoy this one, it was a real treat to write! ♡
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“I didn’t realise a forest could be so beautiful,” you whispered, staring in awe at the towering trees that shined like silver. The night sky was nothing new to you, nor the moon and the stars, yet they seemed more captivating in Lothlorien than anywhere else. The moon burned as bright if not brighter than the sun, illuminating everything in its silvery glow. Stars dotted the sky, glistening like bright torches in a dark room. 
Lothlorien had been beautiful during the day time, the golden leaves so vibrant and unreal, you could swear someone painted them. You’d thought that beauty would be unmatched until night fell. Everything once golden and blinding is now soft and silver, the trees glittering like fine jewels. And it was perfect, the inner peace and calm Lothlorien brought to you was unmatched. 
The sound of footsteps came from behind, gaining your attention. Turning around you see Orophin, still wearing his grey cloak that marked him a Warden of Lorien and the light armor all the rangers wore. His silvery hair that would’ve put any Targaryen to shame was pulled back in its typical fashion. He was beautiful-- well all elves were beautiful, something you’d learned rather quickly, but Orophin radiated another type of beauty. His beauty was more akin to a predator luring in it’s prey of choice with enchanting words and a pretty face, luring you into a thrilling game you always lost. 
You knew he was dangerous, an alarm in the back of your mind going off every time he gets too close or graces you with a look that was lethal to your wellbeing. But instead of sending you running like it should have, it lured you in closer and closer, like a moth drawn to a flame. It’s dangerous-- he’s dangerous. 
But you never seem to listen.
“I ithil a elena thind in ennerion na i er nin,” he said, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. A smile that promised nothing but pain and heartbreak, but also the thrill that comes with gambling, even when you know you’re going to lose. And you will lose, it’s just a matter of when and not if. 
“That’s not fair, you know I can hardly understand Sindarin, especially not when you speak it so fast,” you said, your eyebrows furrowing the slightest as you scowled. Orophin raised an ashen eyebrow at you, and you couldn’t help but feel envious at the lack of lines on his perfectly smooth forehead. His grin widened as his eyes glinted with mischief, and slowly like a prowling lion, he moved towards you.
 “I said, you are beautiful my dear, but you would’ve known that if you would pay attention during our lessons.” he said, eyes noticeably tracing your form. Your face flushed red immediately, images of you and Orophin, tangled together in your room, nothing but a sweaty flustered mess in your bed. Heat spread through your body as you remembered his icy lips on your hot body. 
And he knew it, that bastard knew the effect he had on you. It was obvious in his expression, like a cat that got the cream. 
“Or maybe you aren’t as great of a teacher as you like to think?” you shot back, mentally throwing ice cold water on yourself. Get a grip you idiot! 
“Oh? My lady wounds me! How will I ever hope to recover from such harsh words? Please, tell Rumil I’ve never enjoyed his singing and tell Haldir ho na burui hon in a adaneth,” he proclaimed, snickering towards the end. You pinched the bridge of your nose and exhaled loudly. 
“Orophin! How am I supposed to tell Haldir what you said… if I can’t understand you?” 
Three steps.
Orophin waas close enough that you’re sure he could hear how rapidly your heart was beating against your chest, how uneven and shallow you breathing was. His eyes glanced down your form, slowly travelling back up to your face. His pale blue eyes glittered like sapphires as his soft hand reached out to touch you. His long fingers delicately traced your body, leaving you a shivering mess as you attempted to maintain a calm composure. Your head was nothing but static as your face grew hotter with each passing second, despite the cold air hitting you.
“Well then perhaps we continue those lessons?” he asked, the smirk on his face growing wider with each unsteady inhale of air. 
“Right now?” you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. 
He simply nodded his head, his smirk turning into a full blown grin. It was wicked and fatal and positively sinful. You attempted to pull back, your mind screaming at you to not fall back into what you knew to be a honey trap. But instead of backwards you moved forward, desperate to get as close as physically possible to him, but even then it wasn’t enough.  
“But someone could see, the Warden’s heavily patrol this close to the city,” you said, eyes widening a fraction as you stare up at Orophin. His finger moves up your body and to your face, tracing your cheekbones with a phantom touch. 
“Let’s hope they have enough courtesy to not interrupt, these lessons are paramount to your stay here in Galadhrim.” 
Before you could even breath, he brought his face down towards the crook of your neck. And when his face was only a few centimeters away from making contact with your skin, he paused. The warm breath that hit your skin felt like a frost storm compared to the heat building in you.
“Im innas na harno cin, nin lend lóth” 
“Im innas na harno cin, nin lend lóth.” The phrase felt jagged and rough, the elven dialect still foreign from your lips, while Orophin’s were smooth as silk. 
“Good, it seems you’ve learned more than originally thought,” he muttered, the vibration of his voice sent a shiver up your spine, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. You couldn’t do anything, your mind nothing more than a pile of mush.  All you can do is nod, anticipating the next move Orophin made. 
“What does it mean?” you asked, voice so quiet you were sure he didn’t hear.
After what seemed like eternity, but in reality was only a minute, Orphan placed his soft lips against your neck, leaving behind feather light kisses as he moved up your neck, onto your jawline, and up towards your cheeks. He pulled away just a hair as you watched him with wide eyes, desperate for him to do something. 
“It means, my dear, we have a long night ahead of us.” he whispered. He graced you with one more wicked grin before closing the gap between the two of you, his lips firmly pressed against yours.  
The pillow beneath your neck was plush and soft, your body nearly melting into a puddle, sinking into the heavenly mattress that supported your tense body. A silk blanket was haphazardly strewn across your body, crumpled and bunching in places. As was usual in Lothlorien, the night sky was beautiful. From your location, the moon was out of sight, but the stars burned so bright you hardly noticed as their light trickled in from the open roof of your talan. The air was cooling against your hot skin, a welcomed change in temperature. 
The soft melody of elves singing in the distance would normally lull you to sleep, their angelic voices drawing out your thoughts, but tonight it grated against your ears. You clenched the delicate blanket in your hands, finger causing crinkles in the soft fabric as it threatened to tear. But you weren’t mad at them or their heavenly singing that was without a single flaw, no it was something unrelated to singing, but very much including elves. 
“Are you trying to ruin your duvet, meril nin,” 
And like clockwork, the very source of your anger and confusion waltzed into your room as if it was his. The lighthearted easiness he carried himself with was a matching set to the smirk that always seemed to be tugging on his lips. But his eyes, his eyes were different this time. You were never good at reading people, even worse when it came to elves who’ve had hundreds of years to practice controlling their emotions. Yet even you could tell there was something different in them tonight. Maybe it was the starlight and the way it shined down upon him, casting a halo atop his beautiful silvery hair. A part of you wondered if you could cut a piece and sell it off to an unsuspecting merchant and pass it off as silver that’s been turned to thread. 
“What do you want Orophin, it’s late?” your tone was exasperated and tired. It always seemed like one thing or another with Orophin that would just leave you more confused than sated. 
“To see you of course!” he exclaimed, a jovial expression perfectly placed on his face. His eyes were alight with wonder and excitement, his lips curling into a grin filled with promises of fun and bad ideas. 
“Well I need to sleep.” 
He just raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at you, but otherwise seemed undeterred. He took long strides towards your bed, closing the already miniscule distance between the two of you. Before you could even blink more than three times, he sat on your bed, languidly leaning back until he was lying atop your thighs. He looked at you with wide eyes and fluttered his lashes at you. 
“Why are you so grumpy, meril? I thought humans had fun,” he teased, lifting his hand and tapping the end of your nose with his finger, booping you like a cute pet. You couldn’t tell if it was demeaning or downright adorable. 
“I’m not grumpy.”
“Yes you are my dear.” He pushed himself up just enough to swing one leg over you, now straddling your thighs. He began crawling up your body until his knees were flesh with your hips, hands resting beside your head. He leaned down, until there was only a few inches in between. 
Your skin was on fire, burning hotter and hotter with each second that passed. Your eyes searched his face for anything to clue you in on his motives, despite already knowing them. Maybe you were just hoping for something different than the usual procedure. 
“Perhaps I can offer some assistance?”
A smirk appeared on his face, eyes shining in the pale light streaming in from the open rooftop. It was trouble, you knew that, but maybe the fallout wouldn’t be so bad. So against your better judgement, you leaned forward, connecting your lips with his. 
His lips were as sweet and soft as they normally were, the scent of him lulling you deeper and deeper into euphoric bliss, like a wave pulling you deeper and deeper into the ocean. All reason left your brain, the only thing it could focus on being him and the feeling of his body pressed against you. You reach a hand up, tangling it in his silver hair. It slides through your fingertips like silk, falling from your hand like a waterfall. Your hand wandered up until you met the braids that held the front pieces of his hair back. You scrape your fingers along his scalp before trailing your hand down. You graze the very tip of his ear, light as a feather. 
He lets out a gasp, the sound swallowed by your mouth. He pulls away for a moment, migrating his lips from your mouth down and down until he’s leaving angel kisses along your neck. 
Then like being woken from a deep sleep with a piercing scream, your eyes shot open. You pull your hands away from Orophin, cradling your hand as if he burnt the flesh. You sit up and attempt to catch your breath, feeling like you ran 10 miles without a break. 
“We need to stop.”
“Why meril?” a sly smirk appeared on his face, as he began to crawl towards you to close the new distance between you two, only pausing when you held a hand out. 
“I’m serious, Orophin,” your voice was stern and confident, the opposite of the chaos that was in your brain. Worldesly, he moves off of you, opting to sit on the other side of you, feet hanging over the side of the bed. 
“What is it?” 
“What are we?” you said, he opens his mouth, but you cut him off, already not liking the glint in his eyes. “I’m being serious.”
A sigh escaped his mouth, causing your heart rate to increase and your anxiety to kick into overdrive. 
The dreaded conversation you always knew would come. 
“I thought we were just, you know, having fun.” The words cut into you like a knife, the pain almost physical. 
“It’s just, it’s difficult, I thought you knew that.” he said, some frustration leaking into his voice, whether it was directed at you or him, you didn’t know. “Us together would just be too difficult.” The knife embedded in your heart twists. 
“How can you say that when we aren’t even trying?” you exclaimed, the words rushed and your voice crackling at odd spots. 
“Because I know it to be true.” he said. His voice was short and cold, something you never associated with the warmth Orophin usually radiated. 
You stutter, your brain short circuiting as you attempt to process everything. 
And when your brain finally caught up, Orophin was gone, disappearing into the night.
“You lean too heavily to your right, did you know that?”
You jumped, not far, but enough to break the intense concentration you moments prior had. In your fright, the hand tightly gripping the bow string loosen and before you could react the arrow was released. It pathetically sailed through the arrow, bearing too far to the right. It only managed to get halfway through the training ground before it fell to the ground, like a limp noodle.
Whirling your body, a scowl overcoming your face, you saw Orophin. He was only a few paces away from you, holding a bright red apple that he brought to his mouth and took a bite from. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes when he started making exaggerated noises of delight, his eyes shut as if the apple was the most euphoric thing he'd tasted. 
“What was that for?” you exclaimed, your very short fuse exploding. “You ruined a perfectly good shot!”
 He finished chewing the piece of apple he bit off and then tossed it into the trees. One ashen eyebrow quirked at you as Orophin sauntered towards you, walking with the relaxed confidence only he could manage and a sly smirk on his face. Like clockwork, your heart began pounding in your chest and your face heated up. 
And he knew it too, you could see it in the way his smirk widened just a fraction and his eyes lit up with amusement. 
So you just scowled deeper, narrowing your eyes at him in hope of convincing not only him, but yourself that he didn’t have any effect on you. 
Biggest lie of the century. 
“If it was perfectly good it would’ve hit the target?” he said, his words teasing and light. 
“Well it would’ve if you didn’t distract me!” you replied. You were seething, not because of the arrow, but because of Orophin. He was confusing and infuriating, and perfect in every way. And you hated yourself, hated yourself because you couldn’t hate him, not really. 
“Are you saying I’m distracting? My lady, I am flattered that you can’t focus on anything just by merely hearing my voice!” he exclaimed, smirk contorting into a full blown smile. It’s blindingly bright and captivating, everything the sun shining down on Lothlorien was. 
“That’s not that I said you i-idiot!” 
“Really? That’s what I heard,” he replied, closing the distance between the two of you. He stopped a few inches away from you, close enough that you could hear his heartbeat and feel his breath fanning against you, and if you tried hard enough, you’d momentarily make contact if you breathed hard enough. The intoxicating scent of trees, rain, and something else that was distinctly Orophin. You hated how dizzy it made you feel and you hated that it was easily the sweetest smell you’ve experienced. 
He placed his hand on your tense shoulder and began to turn your body. With eyebrows that nearly touched your hairline, you opened your mouth, prepared to demand to know his intentions, but nothing came out except for a pitiful squawk. He turned your body until you were facing the direction of the training field, staring straight at the target you previously attempted to hit. 
“Relax, you’re as tense as Haldir when we’re on patrol.” He practically purred in your ear, the air from his words tickling your ear in a way that wasn’t entirely unpleasant. 
“What are you doing?” You were cautious and on high alert, full well knowing how things with Orophin usually ended. 
“Fixing your form. it’s not bad for a human, but you’re with the Eldar now,” he whispered. Orophin wrapped one arm around your waist and brought the other one to rest underneath the elbow of your bow arm. His touch was light and delicate, feeling more like the caress of a ghost than a corporeal person. And like a machine, you brought the bow up into position, placing a fresh arrow into proper position with a single fluid movement. 
“I also wanted to apologize for last night. I should not have stormed out the way I did.”
“It’s okay,” you said, your voice hoarse and rough, like a sharp rock.
“It’s not, but I appreciate the sentiment. Now let’s get back to the archery lesson, mell nin.”
“Mell nin. That means my dear?” You turned to face him, eyes widened like a doe as you carefully watched his face. His eyes locked with yours, his grip on you tightening ever so slightly. He grinned at you with a look more radiant and shining than before. Gods, you could go blind if you stared at him for too long, but it would be worth it. Blindness wouldn’t be so bad if his face would be burned into your mind for the rest of your life. 
“You’ve been catching on”
“Sometimes I listen,” you replied, keeping your voice low so as to not disturb the quiet aura that encapsulated the two of you. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Orophin this soft with you, usually he was all mischief and sex appeal. But now he was… at ease and relaxed, like he didn’t have to put on any airs. 
It was… nice.
Your lips tilted upwards as your eyes shined like starlight. Your erratic heartbeat slowed until it was in time with Orophin’s. Your eyes flickered down to his lips then back to his eyes. He followed your movements, not eyeing you like a predator but with… something else. Something you’ve seen the elves share with their husband or wife, the type of softness and vulnerability only present with someone you really care about. 
And you know, without a shadow of a doubt where Orophin’s thoughts stood seeing as he verbalised them last night in your room. You knew he didn't see this going anywhere permanent. Yet the look in his eyes and the complete ease he has around you says otherwise.
And then it’s suddenly cold. And before you have a chance to even blink, Orophin is gone, again.
“You can come out now, you pointy eared dummy!” you yelled, flailing your arms wildly as you do so, the wine bottle precariously held in your fingertips slipping and falling to the ground. Your eyes follow it, watching with wide eyes as the bottle hits the forest floor, bubbly liquid pouring out of the open top. 
“Shit,” you muttered, but made no move to pick it up. 
“That’s not very nice,” a soft melodic voice said from behind you. It was beautiful and light… you hated it. Whirling around, your legs wobbled as you began to lose your balance. Orophin surged forward to steady you, but you slapped his arm away.
“Don-- don’t touch me. No means no Oro,” you said, stumbling backwards until you fell to the ground, landing on your butt. Pain immediately flared up in the area, a pathetic whimper leaving your mouth. 
“Are you hurt?” he asked, moving towards you with slow and exaggerated movements, treating you like a scared baby. The thought caused you to scoff. You probably were a baby to half of the people here. Stupid elves and their stupid immortality.  
“Yes, emotionally and physically,” you said, closing your eyes and holding your head up, attempting to keep a sliver of your dignity. “But mainly physically right now.” 
“Maybe you shouldn’t drink so much then.” Once he was close enough, Orophin sat on the ground, his knees ghosting your skin. It burned like hot coals, singing the skin. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t drink more!” You pointed a finger at him and scowled, attempting to appear menacing. And in your mind, you were, except your finger couldn’t stay still and your face looked more like a pouting puppy than a fearsome killer. It would’ve made Orophin laugh if not for the sorrow poorly hidden in your eyes and your current pathetic state. He didn’t have to ask, he knew it was because of him. 
“I haven’t had any wine today,” he said, using the same tone he did when he found you alone in the Lorien woods all those months ago. When he had to coax you out from behind the mallorn trees after narrowly escaping a pack of orcs that got too close to Lorien.  
“Not my problem.”
“Of course! I must bear this burden on my own, my lady.” His tone was overly exaggerated. Against your better judgement, a smirk pulled at the corner of your lips, faint chuckle escaping between your lips.
“There’s that smile,” he teased, reaching forward and poking your cheek.
“Stop treating me like a child you stupid dolphin fin,” you muttered angrily, swatting at his invading hand. “I’m an adult you know.”
“Of course you are.”
“And don’t you forget it, buster!” You pointed a finger in his general direction, eyes still firmly shut. 
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, allowing the quiet atmosphere to swallow you whole. Orophin sighed, moving so he sat beside you, careful to not touch you.
“What’s wrong meleth? Why did you drink so much? Normally it’s near impossible to get you to drink more than two glasses when we’re together,” His voice is quiet and serious. 
‘Don’t call me love like that, you fool. You don’t love me, not really,” you muttered, leaning your head against the tree behind you. The silver bark is softer than you thought it would’ve been. Certainly not as rough and coarse as the ones back home.
“And how do you know that?” His eyes burned into your skin, like the sun bouncing off of a magnifying glass and incinerating small ants. 
“In case you’ve forgotten, you’re the one who said we couldn’t be together.” you said, opening your eyes for the first time since he sat by you. You searched his face for anything, but you couldn’t read him, probably due to your state of intoxication. 
“That’s not wh--” he began but you promptly cut him off by placing your hand over his mouth.
“But it’s how it was received. I get it Orophin, I’m human you're an elf,--” you obnoxiously exaggerated the word. “--your oil and I’m water, I get it now, don’t worry. It’s cool, there were no rules, so it’s on me that I let it get this far,” You told him. 
And you tried. You really tried to sound unbothered and nonchalant, to be as cold as ice. But the words were hollow, exposing how hurt you really were. 
Stupid elf. 
“You have to understand how diff--” Once again, you cut him off, the words being swallowed by the palm of your hand. 
“No, you don’t understand. I’ve played your little game for months and I’m tired of it. You hear me? Tired!” you exclaimed. You leaned forward and attempted to stand from your sitting position, however as soon as you moved, the world around you grew fuzzy, Orophin multiplying into two. 
“Be careful,” he snapped at you as he reached out to grab a hold of you. He pulled you from the ground, but you violently ripped away from him. 
“Don’t touch me you-- you, you big dummy!” you yelled, pushing him away and onto the forest floor. The fall was broken by the lush greenery that covers the Lorien first floor, so he easily scrambled up. You stumbled away, in your mind moving at the speed of lightning, however you were only able to get five paces away before falling to the ground. 
Tears of frustration and sadness built up in your eyes, your hands clenching tightly into fists. Hot tears streamed down your face, as you lay there on the floor like a baby throwing a tantrum. You smacked your fist against the ground, the throbbing pain dulled by alcohol. 
“I hate you, you know that? I hate you because I really don’t,” you muttered, already knowing Orophin was standing behind you. He said nothing and you couldn’t decide if that was better or worse. 
“I just- I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to keep sneaking around like I’m some horrible secret. I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep getting small pieces of you.” 
You turned and looked at him, eyes tear stained and your face splotching and red. God you were a mess. And in the glimmer of the starlight, you saw a faint stream of tears falling down his cheeks, landing on the ground. God, they even cry pretty.
“Y/N--” he began, taking a single step towards you, causing you to scoot forward, sliding across the forest like a toddler who can’t walk right. 
“God, I love you, and that’s probably the worst thing you’ve ever heard,” you muttered. Your mind no longer felt foggy from the wine, your eyes glossy from tears and not a state of intoxication. You stood up, and walked away, leaving Orophin behind. And the hand he held outstretched towards you slowly fell limp as he watched you walk away. 
It had been months since you’d last spoken to Orophin. Time passed agonizingly slow, minutes becoming centuries, yet everything felt like a haze at the same time. Every day regret would beat against you, pushing you further and further into a never ending abyss. It was odd not having Orophin intruding on your day in some way, scarily enough, it was almost like Orophin was never there. The phantom of where he used to touch you burned like ice until you were nearly numb all over your body. 
God it was hell, trying to keep up with his whirlwind of emotions, trying to decipher if you were just having a fun time or if he truly cared for you. It was exhausting being in a constant state of turmoil, your heart bleeding nearly every second, only to be lazily patched up with every kiss. But at least you had a piece of him, even if it was just a sliver. 
You did everything to give off the illusion of being preoccupied. You went wandering through the forest collecting flowers, you practiced embroidering and then practiced again, you read the same three books over and over again, but everything always came back to Orophin. And for that you were glad he was gone with the other Wardens, patrolling the forest. The orcs were growing more bold in their attacks, so Haldir increased the watch and the Warden’s time away. You didn’t trust your self control, and if Orophin was just within your grasp, you would’ve caved long ago. Falling back into him and whatever he was willing to give you, only to begin the hellish cycle all over again. 
For once you were grateful for Haldir’s extreme dedication to his job. 
So now you lay in your favorite clearing, lazily flipping through a book you’ve already memorized, the grass cocooning you, leaving angel kisses on your body. The sound of grass crumpling beneath someone’s step brought you from your thoughts. Looking up, you saw Orophin, standing with the trees. He was wearing his Lorien cloak, weaved in every color of the forest to better conceal the wearer, and his leather armor with his bow loosely held at his side. 
You stared at him and he looked back. His eyes were wide and hopeful, nearly glossy in the light. His lips were pulled in a thin line, and you could see him chewing on the inside of his lips. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, slowly closing your book and placing it beside you. You sat up, but didn't stand. You refuse to be the one to leave. 
“You were wrong.” 
“What?” you asked, eyes narrowed at him as you purse your lips. 
“You were wrong.” he stated again, as if it would suddenly become clearer to you. 
“I don’t under--” you began but he cut you off. Like the wind, he rushed towards you, his bow forgotten on the forest floor where he used to stand. He slid onto his knees so he was level with you, grasping your hands in his and surged forward, the force knocking you to the ground. 
“What are you--” You started to say, face immediately turning red and your heart rate increasing. And then he’s kissing you. Not with his usual playfulness, or the lust that laced every touch, but it was nice and soft and sweet. More akin to an innocent first kiss rather than the fire he usually possessed. And as soon as his lips were on you, they were off, but he didn’t move, and you didn’t want him to. 
“You were wrong. It isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever heard.” he muttered, his breath tickling your lips. 
In that moment it clicked, the foggy memoires you have of that night coming back to you. You’d uttered that exact phrase to him, “I love you, and that’s probably the worst thing you ever heard.” Against your better judgement, a small smile forms on your lips and this time it was you closing the distance. 
“I love you, meleth nin. I. Love. You.” he punctuated each word with a kiss, causing your skin to burn where his lips touched. “And I’m sorry I refused to admit it for so long.”
“You better be,” you replied, pulling his body closer to you, if that was physically possible. 
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” he asked, pulling away from your lips. You smirked at him, eyes alight with the mischief that was missing for so long. 
“No, but that could be earned,” you said, playing with the fine hair at the nape of his neck. 
“I must warn you, it’s going to be a lot of hard work,” you teased, pressing your lips to the corner of his lips. A small whine left his mouth as he attempted to capture your lips fully with his. 
“Then it’s a good thing I’m a dedicated Warden.”
“We’ll see about that.”
@kenobiguacamole​ | @aearonnin​ | @emiliessketches​ | @vibratingbones​ | @ranhanabi777​
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uncpanda · 7 years ago
Stubborn is as Stubborn Does: Part 3
Summary: The word of the day is choice, but for Haldir there is no choice. You are his Fae Gwedh, his soul mate, and he will stand by you forever. You on the other hand, were transported from a very modern world, and a not so great situation, into the equivalent of the middle ages with three brothers. After a hundred years, with little interaction from the outside world, you’re more than a little surprised when Gandalf sends you and your three younger brothers to Helms Deep for protection. When the location leads to you meeting an elf, and a touch leads to a bond, you set out on an adventure that you were sure you’d never have. And with more than a few tough decisions ahead, you know things are going to change, and hopefully it will be for the better.
Pairing: Haldir X Reader
Part 1, Part 2
    You enter the mead hall with more than a bit of trepidation. Sam stares into it with a twisted look on his face as your other brothers hurl into buckets. Sam’s eyes slide to you, “We could just leave them here.”
    You shrug, “That . . . is certainly one idea.”
    “Do you have something better?”
    You smile, “Leave them here until they seek us out.”
    You wrap an arm around his shoulders and lead him out of the mead hall. You find Haldir waiting just outside. He raises an eyebrow in question, and you simply say, “They’re hungover.”
    He says nothing else about it, instead changes the subject, “How about some food?” His eyes flicker to the mead hall, “Some distance away from here.” You’re ready to offer some sort of excuse when Sam asks, “Are we going where the other elves are?”
    Haldir smiles, “Indeed.”
    The remaining elves, which is comprised of more than you would think are settled in a more isolated part of Helms’ Deep. They are conversing in their own language, when you show up. It stops the moment they spot you, as they stand in respect of Haldir. His hand settles on the small of your back and he says, “This is Y/N, my Fae Gwedh.” His eyes then go to Sam, “And this is Sam, her brother.”
That’s all Sam needs, he surges forward with questions, and you watch with a smile as Haldir hands you some sort of bread, and water. Haldir sits beside you, and watches with you. “You’re very protective of him.”
You nod, “Sam is special in a lot of ways. He’s very inquisitive. He loves life, and never thinks ill of anyone. Never met a stranger. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that way. I worry one day he’ll meet the wrong person, or even worse, an orc.”
“You are the oldest?” you nod, and he smiles, “I am as well. I have two younger brothers, Rumil and Orophin. They remain back in Lothlorien, protecting it in my stead.”
“You’re the captain of the guard?”
He nods, “The Marchwarden.”
“Very impressive.”
“And you, where do you stay?”
You think about it for a moment before saying, “We live in a small cottage with a small farm, outside the realms of man. The only company we receive are rangers and mischievous wizards, who don’t know when to stop meddling.”
He smirks, “You and lord Celeborn would get along well with that thought.”
You let out a small laugh, “I shouldn’t speak ill of him. He’s helped us more than once. Saved our lives a time or two.”
“And never let you forget it, I’m sure.”
“He does have a way of finagling tea out of me whenever he comes to visit.”
“Is that such a big thing in your home?”
You nod, “If only because it also leads to him smoking that pipe of his inside as well.”
“Well, you’ve never said anything about it to me.”
You look up to find the wizard staring at you, but you make no move to stand up. Your body is still sore, and you have no desire to move. Sam on the other hand . . . “Gandalf.”
“Samuel! It is good to see you my boy. Where are the other two?”
“Hungover in the mead hall.” Sam chirps.
“Perhaps you could go retrieve them for me, while I talk with your sister.”
Sam sprints away, and you watch him go. The minute he’s out of earshot Gandalf
says, “You need to return to the cabin.”
    “You forced us from the cabin to come here.”
    He nods, “Yes, but it is no longer in harm’s way. The rest of the fighting shall take place in Gondor. You will stay safe there, far away from Sauron's sight.”
“There’s no way for him to get there you know. We’ve spent a hundred years looking and found nothing.”
“Yes, but I do not underestimate the power of Sauron. One world to defend is quite enough thank you.”
“And you’ll tell Will and Henry this, right?”
“I’ll knock them out myself if I have to.”
You stare at each other before someone clears their throat. Your eyes drift to Haldir, whose eyes have narrowed on the two of you. Slowly he says, “Mithrandir, you have been hiding things again.”
“And what concern is it of yours, Marchwarden?”
He utters but two words, “Fae Gwedh.”
The wizard slumps before turning to you and saying, “You can never do things the easy way, can you?”
You smile, “Apparently not.”
“Has the bonding taken place?”
Haldir responds first, “Not yet.
Gandalf frowns, “With the elves leaving Middle Earth?”
This time Haldir stands, “Not all wish to go.”   
“Rivendell has emptied, your lady is soon to leave, only the Mirkwood remains.”
“But not everyone in Lothlorien wishes to leave. My brothers and I have already declared our intent to stay.”
You watch Gandalf’s face contort, not sure why the wizard is so upset, or why he cares. “Two of the most stubborn creatures on earth, joining together. This truly is the end of times.”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing at the wizards’ dramatics, as Sam rounds the corner with Will and Henry. Neither one looks particularly great, they’re both a little green, and more than a little dirty. As Will’s eyes narrow on you he asks, “Sam says you married an elf?”
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glassgulls · 2 years ago
Put Pilot having Glorfindel trying to put the blame on her haha! Good thing reader knows better. 😉 I loved this so much and the concept too, I'm so glad you wrote this as it turned out brilliantly. (Plus bonus Rúmil is *chef kiss*)
Glorfindel with a guide dog
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A/N: For disability pride month this year, I wanted to incorporate guide dogs since there’s a lack of blind content in the LOTR/Silm fandoms.
Summary: Glorfindel decides to try working with his blind SO’s guide dog for a day.
You smiled as you felt the warm Imladris breeze hit your face, strands of your long hair brushing the tips of your pointed ears as it too was rustled by the Summer afternoon. The steady pull of the harness handle held in your left hand guided you confidently through the garden pathways. You’d gone out to collect a basket full of the first strawberry bloom of the season with the intention of sharing them with your love after dinner that night. A cold nose nuzzling your upper thigh and the abrupt stop let you know that you had approached one of the many spiral staircases of the city. Your companion, a golden retriever Glorfindel had so lovingly named Pilot, wagged her fluffy tail as she placed her front paws on the first step, asking if you’d like to go up.
“Good girl.” You coo, reaching into your pocket and rewarding her with a small treat. “Forward.”
Pilot began her climb in measured steps, walking slightly in front of you so as to allow you to feel each step as she took it. She was always very good about keeping you away from trip hazards and the other elves grew used to giving the two of you a wide berth as you weaved through a crowd, lest they get nudged aside by her nose for standing in the way. You could still remember the day Glorfindel had first placed the warm, squirming puppy in your arms after returning from a mission in one of the nearby human settlements. He’d purchased her from a tradesman there upon learning that humans trained dogs to act as eyes for their blind counterparts. Though he held a firm belief in your abilities to travel independently, he couldn’t help but worry about your safety when he had to go away. Besides, if he could provide a way to make your life easier, he saw no reason not to act on it. He hired a human trainer to reside in Imladris for two years where they’d work alongside you and Pilot everyday until she learned to be your efficient eyes.
You reached down to pat her chest as you reached the top of the stares. The two of you had graduated from bootcamp this day, and you were eager to return to your room and tell Glorfindel.
“Left.” You instructed Pilot as you reached a fork in the hallway. Though you didn’t really need to; she’d memorized this route long ago, and she knew dinner awaited her in your chamber.
You heard the skitter of Pilot’s claws clamber across the hardwood floor as soon as you removed the harness.
“Oh yes, hi! You're so excited! Hi baby!” Came Glorfindel’s cheery voice as he pet Pilot, the dog circling him and whining excitedly as she pawed at his robes.
The ellon laughed as she licked his cheek. “Thank you for the kisses, sweet one.”
The next thing you knew, strong arms were wrapped around you and pulling you into a solid chest. “And you, meleth nin, how was your day?”
You sighed in bliss and learned into his lips as he kissed you. “Mm. Better now that you’re here.”
You could hear the smile in his voice as he ran a hand up your back, the other reaching over to relieve you of the heavy basket. “Went berry picking? You know these are my favorite.”
“Aye. I believe a celebration is in order.”
Glorfindel looked intrigued. “What are we celebrating, starlight?”
“Pilot was cleared in her training today.” You were quite thrilled by this, as your job as a musician regularly required you to travel to other realms during diplomatic meetings. And with another trip just one week away, you were excited to travel without the arm of an escort or your cane getting caught on a rock and snapping. “So she’ll be able to accompany me to Dale.”
“Congratulations to you both.” The Balrog slayer released you and gave Pilot a few affectionate pats on the head. “You two make a great team.”
You leaned in for another kiss. “That we do.”
Glorfindel caught you around the waist again, a mischievous note in his tone. “We’ve got a few hours until we have to show up for dinner…”
“Yes…” You smile, forced to pull apart sooner than you would have liked due to a soft knock on the door.
“Lindir.” You recognized his mannerisms immediately. “What can we do for you?”
“Forgive my intrusion, but we must go over some last minute accommodations for our visit to Dale.”
You give a slight bow. “Of course. I’ll meet you in the courtyard in a moment.”
Once the door is shut you turn back to Glorfindel. “You two can manage on your own for a while?”
He raised an eyebrow as he watched you unfold your long, white cane. “You’re not taking her with you?”
“Nay. She’s worked hard enough today. Besides, I shouldn’t be gone long.”
His eyes followed your retreating form and it wasn’t until you turned the corner that he shut the door to the room. The elf lord stoked the fire and opened up a book he’d been meaning to finish. Sprawling out on the large bed, he chuckled softly as Pilot rested her head on the edge of the mattress and fixed him with her pleasing brown eyes.
“Oh alright. Come on.” Glorfindel let her snuggle into his side and stroked her ears as his thoughts began to wander. So often he’d watched the two of you walk together, steps in sync like some highly trained soldiers. A perfect team. Often enough, he’d wondered what it would be like to spend a day in your position. The use of his eyes was vital to who he was, and you never ceased to amaze him with how well you got on without your own.
Besides, he was putting a lot of faith in this dog. She was well trained and adorable, of that he was sure, but your safety was never a concept he took lightly. He glanced around the room, his eyes falling on the harness handing on a hook by the door.
Marchwarden Rúmil of Lothlorien was currently lounging on wide, flat rock soaking up the sun and sketching the surrounding meadow in his journal. The past few weeks had been filled with an influx of duties, him barely receiving any time off between his usual border shifts and being sent to escort Lady Celebrian back home. And now, at Elrond’s behest that he stay and assist in training new Imladris border guards, it could be months before he got repreeve. Which is why it was very hard for the ellon to maintain a friendly air with Glorfindel when he came barging in on his solitude.
“Ah, mellon, I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Rúmil gave a huff of acknowledgment, not looking up from his drawing.
“Say.” The Balrog slayer continued. “Do you uh… have a spare blindfold I could borrow?”
At his request, Rúmil’s pen stilled on the paper, fixing Glorfindel with a sideways glance over his book. After a moment of carful thought, he finally spoke up. “I did not think it necessary since they can’t…”
“No, no. Not for them. For me!” Glorfindel couldn’t hold back his laughter at Rúmil’s confused expression. “Look, do you have one or not?”
“Let me check my pack.” Rúmil began rifling through his things, finally producing a heavy duty blindfold. All Wardens carried one as it was protocol to shield the route to Caras Galadhon from the eyes of non-elvish visitors. “But, what do you need it for?”
“Come. I’ll show you.”
Glorfindel had cleared out one of the archery fields and built a pretty impressive obstacle course in its wake. Five empty wine barrels, pull up bars set about chin height, arrow targets, and finally a set of stairs on either side of an above ground pool with a wide wooden plank bridging across the water for Pilot to guide him through.
“Marchwarden, this is Pilot, my love’s guide dog. I must test her prowess to ensure that she is capable of assuring their safety.”
“This is going to be an interesting incident report to write up to Haldir.” Rúmil muttered into his palm, watching Glorfindel nervously as he harnessed the dog and tied the blindfold over his eyes. Pilot looked up at him curiously, knowing that he was not her usual handler.
Now then, he’d seen you work her many times before, but failed to remember the commands you’d use.
Where are the reigns on this thing?
Suddenly, it came to him. “Ah yes. Forward!”
And with that, they were off. Putting his full trust in an animal was a new feeling for Glorfindel, though not an unpleasant one as she artfully wove them through the barrels and targets in their path. “Well done! Very nice!”
He flinched, expecting to feel one of the bars smack him in the head, but Pilot stopped him in time and led them around those too.
Glorfindel smiled, picking up his strides and pulling on the handle, urging the dog to go faster. “Let’s finish off strong, yes?”
They ascended the first set of steps and the ellon felt the wood creek slightly under his feet, indicating thru were going over the shallow water below.
So eager was he to finish the course that he missed Pilot’s cue that they had approached the second set of stairs…
You yawned and stretched your back. That meeting with Lindir had run much longer than you’d expected, and now you were pressed for time to get Glorfindel for dinner.
That was, until you were stopped by Rúmil in the hallway.
“Looking for Glorfinfel, I take it?”
You blushed, slightly embarrassed about how late you were going to be. “Yes. Is he already at dinner?”
“Well, actually…”
You couldn’t believe your ears as you heard the story of what had happened on the way to the infirmary.
“Rúmil, you were supposed to watch him! He what? He fell down the stairs?”
“Lord Elrond says he’ll be alright.”
When you entered the infirmary, you stroked Pilot’s head as she sprang up to greet you, Glorfinfel groaning dramaticley as he lay on a bed with his arm wrapped.
“I don’t know. I think she needs more training.”
You chuckle and sit beside him, leaning over to kiss his forehead. “I think you need more training.”
Tag list: @creativity-of-death @glassgulls
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animerina · 4 years ago
Your Eyes Are Like Starlight-14
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Haldir X F!Reader
Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
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Summary:  Haldir and his patrol rescue a woman outside of the forest and bring her to Caras Galadhon. She is allowed to stay to recover from her injuries, both physical and mental. Haldir quickly finds himself as her protector and worries what will happen when she leaves.
Note: Warning for eventual smut, minors DNI. I wrote this a while back and it is incredibly self-indulgent. I know I probably screwed up actual lore, but I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you do as well. It was previously posted on A03.
All Italics are Elvish.
Chapter 14: An Accidental Occurrence
Haldir was already up when Y/N awoke from her slumber. For a brief moment, she froze, confused that she was not in her own bed. Her head snapped up, sheets clutched to her chest. A warm chuckle caught her attention as Haldir sat beside her on the bed.
“Good morning,” he said, running his hand through her messy hair.
“Hal-,” she uttered as the memories came flooding back. “Oh, good morning. Did I oversleep?” She saw the sun was barely rising.
“I have training this morning. I will be leaving soon. I did not wish to disturb you.”
“You did not.”
“Did you have pleasant dreams?”
“Yes,” she admitted with a smile.
Haldir left with a kiss and a promise to meet Y/N after morning meal. She felt odd being in his home alone. He obviously had things in place and she wasn’t comfortable enough to disturb them. Laying back down, she closed her eyes and rolled onto his side of the bed. It was still relatively warm. She sighed and remembered his arm around her as they drifted off to sleep. It was a nice feeling. The light slowly began to filter into the talan and Y/N reluctantly decided to get up and dress.
As she pulled a dress on, one she wouldn’t need Lindiel to help her with, she realized she may have to dress in the side room when Haldir was home. At least until the two were more comfortable with each other. She wondered if he had dressed in the room this morning while she slept or had he too left the room. Biting her lip, she shook the thought from her head. None of that, she thought.
With her belly full, Y/N returned from the dining hall to grab her sewing supplies. She had planned to meet with Lindiel at her home to work on mending the ever growing pile of ruined clothing. With Lindiel previously distraught and Y/N’s absence, the clothing had piled up. The two of them had hoped to finish them by the evening, but it was mostly impossible.
Entering Haldir’s talan, she searched for her bag of supplies but was not able to find it. Thinking back, she thought perhaps Haldir had mistaken the velvet bag for the one containing her bathing supplies. She assumed he’d be the kind of person to not look through her belongings and may have placed them in the bathroom for her. She turned and quickly made her way to the bath.
The door opened easily and as her eyes scanned quickly over the counter, she huffed through her nose. The bag was not in here either it appeared. A throat being cleared caused her to jump and realize she was not the only person in the room.
“Did you need something, meleth?” Haldir asked from the tub. Only his chest was visible above the water. He looked as though he wanted to laugh at Y/N’s growing flustered appearance and decided to save her the embarrassment.
“Y/N, did you need something?” He asked again.
“I-,” she stuttered out and quickly covered her face with her hands. “I am so sorry! I will be leaving!” She attempted to retreat from the room, but with her eyes closed, she instead ran into the doorway.
Now Haldir openly chuckled. “There is no reason to be embarrassed. What did you lose?”
“My sewing supplies,” Y/N muttered.
“Ah, it’s in the drawer on the table. I should have told you. I apologize, meleth.” He sank a little deeper in the water to ease her nerves. “You can uncover your face, little starling. You are allowed to look.”
“But it’s-,” she tried to find the argument on her tongue but found the words missing.
“I will not push you, but I would not be opposed if you were to join me.”
She stood there, hands suddenly fallen to her sides as she stared in disbelief at the ellon’s words. Her shame was suddenly gone, replaced by shock and a surge of heat in her belly.
Haldir, mistaking her reaction for rejection, began to stumble over an apology. “That was too bold of me. I am sorry, Y/N. If I have made you uncomfortable-,” he was cut off as the woman approached him.
Y/N slowly walked towards the edge of the tub, her eyes trained on her lover’s face, too shy to look beyond what the water was hiding. When she was before him, she reached for his hand which he took tenderly. His desire for her was clear and she knew she did love him. After all they had been through together, she would be surprised if she didn’t, but she was nervous. The only experience she’d had with sex, she’d thankfully been saved by Haldir. However, Y/N knew he wouldn’t be like those men. He was as dear to her heart as she was to his and more than anything, she wished she wasn’t so shy. She wanted him to know that she desired him too.
“Turn around,” she whispered to him.
“Do not force yourself,” Haldir replied, squeezing her hand gently. “I can wait.”
“Turn around, my love,” she repeated more firmly and was pleased when he did, although hesitantly.
Quickly undoing her dress and pulling her slip over her head, Y/N stepped into the tub behind Haldir, the water nearly spilling over the edge. She hid herself beneath the water, her hands covering her chest and laid back against the edge of the tub. She took a deep breath before deciding to speak again.
“You can turn around now.”
Slowly, as to not startle her, Haldir turned back around and laid his eyes on the naked flesh of his One. She was beautiful and he had to fight the urge to pull her toward him. He so badly wanted to run his fingers over her soft skin, but he refused to make her any more uncomfortable than she already was. The space was tight, but he managed to stay on his side of the tub.
“You’re staring,” she murmured refusing to meet his gaze.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered in awe. “More so than the stars themselves.”
She laughed quietly and he hummed, silently asking why.
“That’s what I think of when I look into your eyes,” Y/N answered his unspoken question. “Your eyes are like starlight,” she explained. “At least to me.”
“May I kiss you, meleth?”
“I am yours, Haldir. You may kiss me anytime you wish.”
Reaching out, the ellon grasped the edge of the tub on each side of her, pushing himself up and crowding her against the tub. His forehead rested against hers and he watched as her eyes fluttered closed. They were so close now, he could feel the heat of her flushed skin. Slowly, Haldir leaned down to lay his lips against her own soft pair.
Y/N was slow in reciprocating the kiss as she suddenly felt lightheaded beneath him. Haldir paused and began to pull away, but Y/N grabbed his face in her hands and slammed their mouths back together, the two sinking a little deeper into the water. She realized, as she held his face, that she had revealed nearly all of herself to him now and tried to cover herself once again, but Haldir caught her wrists.
“There is no need to hide from me,” he whispered hotly against her lips, slowly trailing his kisses down her throat. “I love all of you.”
She moaned out his name as he nipped a sensitive spot on her collar. “Please.”
“Please what, Y/N? Tell me what you need.”
Her head was spinning and she thought she may just sink into the water and enjoy the feeling of Haldir’s calloused hands on her skin. He hadn’t even trailed lower than her shoulders and she was already mewling at him for more. She knew he had asked her a question, but she couldn’t recall his words, too lost in the bliss of feeling him above her.
“Let me,” she murmured, unable to complete her thought.
“Let you what, meleth?” He asked moving back a hair.
“Let me up,” Y/N pushed against his chest. “I want to-,” she paused, the embarrassment flooding back suddenly.
Haldir had fully sat back against his side of the tub giving Y/N room to move. Her chest was still tucked beneath the water, hands reaching out to him. She hadn’t wanted him to move away, but she didn’t know how to explain to him what she wanted.
His fingers entangled with hers and he asked her again what she needed. After a beat of silence, and swallowing her shame down, she spoke.
“I want to, but I have never-,” she tried to explain.
Haldir smiled and squeezed her hand as he inched closer to her. “There is no hurry. Bodily union is the same as marriage to us, so we can wait until our wedding night.”
Not knowing what to say, Y/N simply nodded, but Haldir continued speaking.
“However, there are other things we may do if that would please you,” he added as he leaned down to whisper against her ear, his voice deepening. “And I am sure I can please you, my little starling.”
Tag list: (If you’d like to get added please let me know.) @numbxinside @silentsweetie @velvetmotel20 @memariana91 @h0ly-fire @happycupcakeenthusiast
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animerina · 4 years ago
Your Eyes Are Like Starlight-13
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Haldir X F!Reader
Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
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Summary:  Haldir and his patrol rescue a woman outside of the forest and bring her to Caras Galadhon. She is allowed to stay to recover from her injuries, both physical and mental. Haldir quickly finds himself as her protector and worries what will happen when she leaves.
Note: Warning for eventual smut, minors DNI. I wrote this a while back and it is incredibly self-indulgent. I know I probably screwed up actual lore, but I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you do as well. It was previously posted on A03.
All Italics are Elvish.
Chapter 13: My Marchwarden
Y/N stood at the entrance to the Healer’s Hall. With her friends’ help, she had bathed and redressed. Having been informed of everything that had occurred since she fell into the canyon, Y/N felt overwhelmed. She had died, that was certain. The elves hadn’t been able to feel her pulse and had even prepared to bury her. The thought sent chills through the woman. It was impossible that she was standing there, breathing the fresh air, but somehow she had come back. There was no bright light, no voice telling her to return, there was just an end. Everything had gone out when she drowned and then, in what felt like an instant, she was waking up and expelling the water in her stomach and lungs.
For her, time hadn’t passed, but for Haldir it was a nightmare. She couldn’t imagine what he must have gone through. In her final moment, Y/N had pictured him looking so horrified as she plummeted tot he watery depths below. She wanted nothing but to hold him and apologize, but as her eyes shut and the water pulled her down, she thought she’d never see him again to make things right. While she would gladly sacrifice herself for him again, she regretted hurting him so. In her final moments, she realized she loved him.
Anxious to tell him, she felt impatient waiting for him and his patrol to return. Alassë and Lindiel has been sent word that they were safe, but it wasn’t good enough for Y/N. She needed to see Haldir soon.
Nearly a week later, a horn sounded from the outskirts of the forest startling Y/N as she worked in her talan. Lindiel, as usual, was with her. The elleth rarely left the woman’s side after her recovery.
“It’s the patrol,” Lindiel muttered as she rushed to the window.
“They’ve never blown a horn before,” Y/N worried her lip.
“Something has happened,” the elf nearly whispered. “Stay here,” she added. “I will return shortly.”
“Please hurry back.”
“I will.”
Lindiel rushed through the walkways until she encountered the patrol entering Caras Galadhon. She began counting the members and noticed at least six were missing. Rúmil was one of them and she froze. Her heart burned in her chest, eyes watering involuntarily at the revelation. Gathering herself, she walked toward the group on unsteady legs. She spotted Orophin first and before she could ask, he ran to her taking in her worries expression.
“We called for aid. Several of us were injured. Rúmil is with the healers, but worry not, he will recover.”
“Oh gods,” she whimpered. “I am glad.”
“I will take you to him,” he said taking her hand. “Haldir saw him there.”
“He will be looking for Y/N, but she is home thankfully.”
“She has awakened?”
“For nearly a week. She is well.”
Y/N heard heavy footsteps and thinking it was Lindiel ran outside the door, anxiety eating away at her. Her eyes landed on Haldir’s own as he stopped outside her talan. His eyes locked on hers and he froze, chills running up his spine. Neither moved for what felt like an eternity and then the two were crashing into one another. He wrapped her into his arms, cradling her head against his chest.
Against her better judgment, the woman began weeping as she clung to the elf. “Haldir!” She cried.
“I am here,” he whispered into her hair. “I have you, my love.” The elf hoped she’d forgive his slip up. His heart was beating so fast in his chest, he thought he might also break down.
“I love you,” she mumbled once she had stopped crying.
He froze hearing those words fall from her lips.
“Y/N,” he uttered.
“I love you, Haldir. I died for you and I’d gladly do it again.”
“Don’t you dare do that again you foolish-,” he stopped himself from finishing and instead pulled her back to him, laying his lips on hers. She was soft and warm and he relished in the fact that he was arguably the luckiest ellon alive. Y/N blinked in surprise before relaxing into the kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she let him walk her back and press her against the wall of her home. It was like she was missing a piece of herself and his heart fit perfectly in the gap. This must have been what he felt when he looked at her the first day they met.
Pulling away for a breath, he spoke. “From now on, I will protect you. I will take care of you.” His thumb stroked her bottom lip gently as he gathered himself. “My little starling, I will not rush you. If you still wish to wait-,” he stopped when she shook her head.
“I do not wish to wait. Not anymore.”
“Are you certain?”
“More than anything.”
“We still have time to plan,” he smiled before kissing her again. “But I would prefer it if you came to live with me. Would you?”
The woman gasped at his question, excited at the notion of living with him. Would it be wrong? She wasn’t sure she cared.
“Y/N,” he whispered. “I do not wish to push you, but I cannot be away from you any longer. Stay with me.”
He kissed her temple. “Share my life.”
His lips found the shell of her ear. “My bed.”
Y/N was nodding before she even registered what he was saying. It didn’t matter. She wanted whatever he wanted. Haldir chuckled warmly, resting his forehead against hers.
“Pack what you can. I shall take care of everything else.”
“But what will the others-,” she started.
“The only thing that concerns me is how you feel.”
She pushed away from the wall, freeing herself from his grasp. “I do not have much so it should not take long.”
With a smile, Haldir let her enter her house. “I shall return soon,” he promised. “Wait for me.”
Haldir was swift in delivering his report to the lord and lady, the latter allowing him to make it brief with a knowing look in her eye. He didn’t know it, but Galadriel was so thankful Y/N had survived. She had been worried for Haldir and felt at ease knowing the two might just get their happy ending. Yes, she thought, that was what she’d seen.
Haldir’s talan was only slightly larger than her own, but it was enough Y/N thought as she followed her elf across the threshold. He had her makeshift pack sling across his shoulder, his hand gripping hers tightly.
“Please make yourself at home,” he smiled down at her as he set her pack on the bed.
Nodding, Y/N began to unpack, nerves building in her gut. He had cleared spaces for her throughout his home for her things, though she had little. In addition to the table in the kitchen, there was another smaller on by the window.
“You can use that one for your work,” he explained as she eyed it.
“Thank you,” she smiled and let him kiss her temple, his lips lingering longer than before.
“I am so grateful,” he whispered. “To have you here with me.”
“As am I, Haldir.”
When evening came, Y/N’s nerves returned as she watched Haldir prepare for bed. She had already bathed and slipped on one of the nightgowns she had packed. Haldir wore a loose fitting tunic and leggings and looked much more casual that she was used to. He moved away from the bed, gesturing towards it.
“I know you are tired. Come rest.”
She didn’t respond, but made her way over and hesitantly sat down on the soft material. He gave her a small smile before going to one of the trunks and pulled out a bedroll.
“What-,” she began.
“I may be eager to have you close, but I still respect you. I will sleep on this.” He began to undo the straps to set up his own sleeping arrangement.
“No,” she argued. “That is unnecessary.”
He paused, taking in her words and looking at her. She was unsure what to say next. Would he expect things of her if they continued. They had barely kissed, but she knew what usually came next. The woman took a breath before deciding what to say.
“Lay with me, Haldir,” she blushed. “I mean,” she tried to clarify.
“I understand,” he nodded and caressed her face. “Are you sure? I want nothing but your comfort.”
He slid the bedroll back into the trunk at the foot of the bed before sitting down on the opposite side of the mattress. Y/N lay down first, facing towards the blonde elf. After a moment, Haldir slid under the sheets pulling himself close to the woman, his strong arm wrapping around her waist.
“Is this-,” he started.
“It is perfect,” she admitted, blush still evident on her face. He was a good man. He would not touch her without consent. She sighed, relaxing into his body.
“Goodnight, Y/N. May your dreams be pleasant.”
“Nothing could be more pleasant than this, Haldir.”
Tag list: (If you’d like to get added please let me know.)
@numbxinside @silentsweetie @velvetmotel20 @memariana91
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animerina · 4 years ago
Your Eyes Are Like Starlight-9
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Haldir X F!Reader
Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
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Summary:  Haldir and his patrol rescue a woman outside of the forest and bring her to Caras Galadhon. She is allowed to stay to recover from her injuries, both physical and mental. Haldir quickly finds himself as her protector and worries what will happen when she leaves.
Note: Warning for angst, eventual smut, minors DNI. I wrote this a while back and it is incredibly self-indulgent. I know I probably screwed up actual lore, but I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you do as well. It was previously posted on A03.
All Italics are Elvish.
Chapter 9: A Difficult Decision
Y/N made her way to her talan after being dismissed by Galadriel. She had a lot on her mind after their talk and wasn’t sure how to feel or what to do. She did care about Haldir, that she knew, and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him. However, like Galadriel had so easily pointed out, no matter what she did, she would hurt him in the end. So the next question she asked herself was what would hurt him less.
As she climbed the stairs to her quarters, she spotted Haldir nervously standing outside the door trying to peer inside. When he spotted her, his eyes widened and he rushed to her, pulling her into his arms.
“I am sorry,” he reluctantly let her go. “When I saw you were not here, I worried something had happened.”
“You came to check on me?” She asked him surprised. Shouldn’t he be with Lady Galadriel, she thought.
He nodded. “I had to make sure you were okay.” His hand clutched at his chest over his heart. “I had a strange feeling. I thought it best to see you. I apologize if I startled you.”
“No, not at all,” she assured him. “Do you-Would you like to come in?”
As the two sat at her small table, she explained why she was missing. “I went for a walk and ran into Lady Galadriel. She wanted to speak with me.”
“Is all well?”
She did not want to tell him the heaviness in her heart or how talking hadn’t really made her feel better about the situation.
“She clarified some things for me,” she stated evenly. “I have a different perspective is all.” She tried to smile in reassurance, but it fell short and Haldir could tell.
“Have you changed your mind?” He asked sadly.
“No.” It was not an out right lie. Y/N truly wanted to continue courting, but she wasn’t sure if she would later change her mind. She fought with herself mentally arguing that they would make happy memories together, ones he could cherish later on. She could give him children if he wanted, another thing to remember her by. The other half of her screamed to stop and be logical, something she was never good at. If she cut this short, she would save him heartache later on. Even if he missed her now, the ache may fade in the coming years. Perhaps he was mistaken in thinking a human was his One and he would find love with another. No, she thought, he was too serious to chase after her on a whim.
“What brought you back so early? I did not expect you back for a few more days,” she asked changing the subject.
“There was a band of orcs on the northern border. We dealt with them, but we needed to report back to the Lord and Lady immediately.”
“What you said earlier about the strange feeling,” she continued. “What do you mean?”
Again, his hand found his chest as he clarified. “We were already returning and I felt an ache deep within me as well as an overwhelming sense of dread. I thought of you and I knew I had to come. I sent my brothers to give the report.”
“I am fine, I promise,” she lied.
“If you say so,” he hummed. “It is late. You should sleep. I apologize for keeping you up.” He stood and grabbed his bow that lay against the wall.
“Haldir,” she stopped him.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Sleep well. I’m glad you are safe.”
He gave her a half smile before passing through the door, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Y/N figured he knew exactly what thoughts were swimming around in her mind, but was glad he did not comment on them. She did not sleep much that night. Instead she laid in her bed far too restless and unsure of her future and what it would bring.
She did not see Haldir for nearly a week after he left her home that night. Lindiel said the guard had left again on patrol. Rúmil had told her, but the woman had received no word from the Marchwarden and was beginning to worry. She felt she had been dismissive and upset him and now she wasn’t even sure if she’d see him again. What if something happened? What if they were attacked by orcs?
Y/N had tried keeping her mind off things by working and cleaning her talan, but she couldn’t ease her worries. Lindiel had noticed and asked Alassë to stop by if she had the time to look at Y/N think the healer’s tea would do her good. Nothing seemed to help.
“We should picnic,” Lindiel said as entered Y/N’s quarters. “There is a secluded knoll not far from here. It would be fun.”
While the woman was still woeful, the prospect of exploring excited her and she agreed that they should go. The two packed a small supply of bread, cheese, and dried fruit from the kitchens. How Lindiel had snuck it out was a mystery to the woman, but she appreciated it anyway. However, Y/N did make one small request of the elleth.
“We should bring wine,” she suggested.
“Will you be alright if you drink?” The elleth giggled already deciding to bring a bottle along. “I am not certain I can carry you back, mellon.”
“I will drink little and slowly,” she promised her friend.
“Very well then. I will go get us a bottle or two. Perhaps three,” she threw over her shoulder as she returned to the kitchens.
The grassy knoll was very well secluded indeed. Surrounded by trees on all sides, Y/N was sure the two were outside Caras Galadhon. They even had to cross a bridge stationed between two cliff sides to reach it. However, the ladies were enjoying themselves. As they talked, they ate and complained in such privacy, the trees their only eavesdroppers.
The two only made it through one of the two bottles Lindiel had run off with, though Y/N did not drink much of it herself. Two glasses in and she was feeling too lightheaded for her own good. Lindiel was far too happy to finish the rest on her own, the burgundy liquid barely affecting her.
“We should head back,” Y/N mildly slurred as the sun began to set over the tops of the trees. Her body had relaxed against the soft grass. “I would not want to be out here in the dark.”
“We can always come back again. I am pleased to see you in a much better mood,” Lindiel spoke as she packed up their mess. She looked the woman over and laughed as she swayed slightly, knowing she’d most likely have to help her back home.
“Come now,” she giggled. “You cannot fall down on me now.”
A noise from the trees made the two jump, Lindiel pushing Y/N behind her out of instinct. There was movement coming from behind the trees and a sound like a rumbling. Confused, Lindiel started ushering the woman back trying to get her away from whatever was headed straight for them. Haldir, broken bow in hand, and his patrol emerged from the shadow of the wood seemingly running from something behind them. Rúmil and Orophin were shooting arrow after arrow into the treeline as they made their way towards the the two startled ladies. When Haldir saw them, his eyes widened and he shouted.
“Orcs! Get to the bridge now!”
Without hesitation, Lindiel yanked the woman along as she ran for the bridge, her skirt hindering her speed. Y/N stumbled along behind her trying to keep up barely able to fathom what was occurring around her. Right behind her, Haldir had drawn his blade as the orcs stepped out into the clearing. They were hideous, dark things that looked more akin to beasts than people. They gave chase, shooting their own black arrows at the group.
The elves were nearing the bridge when Y/N stumbled, screaming as she fell forward. An arrow had lodged itself into the ground through her skirts. Falling out of Lindiel’s grip she landed harshly on the rocky earth of the cliff. Some of the elves were already crossing the bridge, arrows still flying from their bows at the encroaching orcs. Haldir sped towards her, dropping to a knee, and sliced cleanly through the material to free her. He pushed her ahead and forced her across the bridge as fast as her heavy feet would allow, shouting at his brothers to prepare to cut the bridge down. Unfortunately, the orcs has the same idea.
Looking back, Y/N saw one orc raise his jagged sword and slice through the rope holding one side of the bridge up. She felt the wood give out beneath her feet, nearly flipping over the side. She would have had it not been for Haldir’s strong grip. His eyes were sharp as he sped forward, but he was not fast enough to escape the orc cutting the rope of the other side, the quickly unravelling twine sending the two flying. In his panic, he grabbed his One by the waist and jumped trying to grab onto what was left of the bridge.
Haldir has nearly dropped her when he managed to grip onto a wooden plank. She slipped from his grip but he caught her wrist as she fell. They were close to the edge of the cliff. He could get her to safety. He was strong enough, was he not? The gravity of the situation was beginning to dawn on him, so Haldir kept assuring himself to keep the fear at bay.
“Do not look down,” he commanded.
Y/N sobered quickly as the panic spread through her. Looking down against her better judgement, she saw the water far below. Arrows were still flying and she could see Orophin try to reach down to them. A black arrow skinned her cheek as it sunk into the wood by her face. She slipped down further as the rope began to unravel by Haldir’s hand. She knew it wouldn’t hold.
Haldir was desperately trying to lift her to Orophin, but with no leverage and one arm, he could not. Another bit of rope snapped sending the two further down into the canyon.
“Hold on,” Haldir pleaded, though she wasn’t sure if he was speaking to her or the Valar.
He deserved to live and be happy, she thought as she swung above the drop. He deserved so much more than the trouble she'd given him. If only it wasn’t her he loved, then he would not be here, waiting for inevitable death. The rope would not hold them both, she concluded, and she would not let him die. A calm wave washed over her as she came to peace with her decision. It was made both out of desperation and a mind clouded in fear, but with all the love she had in her heart for the ellon. With a shuddering breath, Y/N pried her fingers between the ones so tightly gripped in her wrist.
“What are you doing?” He shouted. Another arrow shot by them.
“It cannot hold us, but it will hold you,” she shouted back forcing herself free. “I’m sorry.”
By the time she said her apology, she was falling. The elves watched in horror as she fell to the shallow water below, a horrible cracking noise resounding when she broke the surface. Haldir screamed for her echoed across the cliff side into the trees.
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animerina · 4 years ago
Your Eyes Are like Starlight-6
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Haldir X F!Reader
Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)
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Summary:  Haldir and his patrol rescue a woman outside of the forest and bring her to Caras Galadhon. She is allowed to stay to recover from her injuries, both physical and mental. Haldir quickly finds himself as her protector and worries what will happen when she leaves.
Note: Warning eventual smut, minors DNI. I wrote this a while back and it is incredibly self-indulgent. I know I probably screwed up actual lore, but I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you do as well. It was previously posted on A03.
Thank you all once again for the love and support. The poem is Nin Meleth and can be found here: x
All Italics are Elvish.
Chapter 6: Exploring Caras Galadhon
“And this is Lothlorien’s library,” Lindiel exclaimed as she opened the door for her companion.
Y/n stood in awe of the amount of books shelved on the walls. From what she had already seen on their journey to the front doors, this was only one of many levels. Her eyes skimmed over the countless shelves and desks in amazement. No wonder elves were so knowledgeable.
“How can you have so many?” She gasped.
“We have long lives and many interests,” Lindiel teased. “Now come, I want to show you my favorite place in here.”
The two headed down two floors passing many ellyn who were scattered about reading and scribbling silently. Lindiel brought Y/N over to the corner of two shelves. As they approached, the woman realized that the shelves had a small gap between them, enough for someone to slip through. Lindiel ushered her in and she was surprised to see a small nook hidden by the shelves. In the corner was a large window allowing light into the hideaway. There were two chairs along with a window seat carved into the wall. Light blue cushions were strewn about the seats for comfort. Y/N quickly took note of the blonde elleth lounging on the seat, red leather bound book in hand.
“Ah, good morning Y/N,” Alassë nodded in greeting. “Lindiel.”
“Good morning, Alassë. We did not see you at morning meal.”
“We did not see Berendir either,” Lindiel added with a smirk.
“I am afraid we were quite preoccupied this morning,” the elleth confessed, a blush barely dusting her pale skin.
Her admittance caused y/n to blush as well. She hid her face by acting preoccupied with the stack of books by the blonde.
“What are you reading?”
“Yes indeed, mellon nin. What are you reading?” Lindiel asked as she examined the book in Alassë’s hands.
“Romance? Oh poetry!” She exclaimed as she sat beside her. “I love this one.”
“It is very well written,” Alassë agreed.
“May I see?” Y/N asked as she moved the seat closer to the two.
“It is in Sindarin,” Lindiel explained and watched her face fall in disappointment. “I can read you a bit if you would like.”
“Yes, I think I would like that.” Y/N nodded eagerly.
Alassë handed the book to Lindiel and she flipped to the page her favorite poem was on. Taking a deep breath for dramatic effect, she began.
“My beautiful
The moon in my night
The star in my eye
My warrior
The outcry in my silence
The crossing of my road
My love”
“It is simple but so sweet,” the woman smiled.
“Agreed,” the ellyth responded.
“I think if I am to stay here, I should probably learn your language,” the woman stated.
“You are going to stay? For how long?” Alassë asked. She was pleasantly surprised thinking that after healing the woman would want to go home.
“May I tell her?” Lindiel all but begged.
With a sigh, Y/N agreed. “I am sure it will not be a secret for much longer.”
“Haldir has asked her to stay,” Lindiel explained to her friend enjoying the shocked expression that spread across her face. “He has asked to court her.”
Alassë’s jaw dropped, a most unbecoming look for an elf, and if Y/N had not been so shy about the reveal, she would have burst out laughing. The blonde elf recovered quickly.
“I must offer you my congratulations!” She exclaimed, her pitch raising sharply.
“Thank you. Everything has been very fast for me, but Haldir is giving me two years to decide and I really would like to get to know him better.”
“I see. I forget how different humans are in their customs. You would not be able to sense your One if you saw them, but if Haldir believes you are his I would trust his judgement. He is not the Marchwarden for nothing,” the elleth offered.
“I suppose I am just unused to people falling so quickly, especially for me.”
The two elves reassured the woman, speaking highly of her as well as Haldir and his qualities. They spent much longer than they meant to sitting in the nook enjoying themselves and relaxing amongst the books. Alassë and Lindiel took it upon themselves to start teaching her simple Sindarin and Silvan words, promising to teach her more in the time she lived among them.
Before noon rolled around, the group began making their way to the dining hall. Alassë said she would only be grabbing something to take with her as she had afternoon duties. As they headed across one of the many walkways, they heard cheering coming from one of the clearings nearby.
“What is that?” Y/N asked.
Lindiel leaned over the railing, her eyes able to see much farther than the human woman.
“It appears they are having an archery competition. Shall we watch?” She asked the others.
“Let’s,” Y/N agreed. The ladies started towards the commotion until they saw the group of elves lined up. There were targets hung from trees in the distance, some so far, Y/N strained to see them.
“It is Haldir’s patrol,” Alassë noted.
Sure enough, Y/N spotted him walking behind the row of archers, his own bow gripped tightly in his hand. As if he could sense her, which he most likely could, he turned and locked eyes with the woman. Smirking, he slid next to Orophin, knocked an arrow and let it fly. The resounding thunk rang through the clearing when the arrow hit one of the furthest targets. The woman watched in awe at how smooth his movements were. His smirk grew as he met her amazed gaze, only interrupted by the pats on his back from his brothers.
“Show off,” Y/N muttered under her breath with a smile.
Rúmil also spotted the ladies watching and quickly pulled out an arrow from his quiver, spinning it effortlessly between his fingers. He knocked it, pulled back and letting the arrow fly into an equally distanced target. Haldir clapped his brother on the back as the arrow hit.
Y/N was about to ask if they could join the growing audience below, but caught Lindiel’s eyes locked on Rúmil. The elleth could not hide the smile even if she tried. Her eyes followed his movements, filled with mirth and tender fondness. She remembered their conversation about their relationship earlier and without thinking whispered to her companion.
“Do you wish he would ask?”
“More than anything,” she replied lovingly.
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kenobiguacamole · 4 years ago
Shattered (Haldir X Reader)
A/N: Short. English is not my first language, please be kind if you find errors! To be continued?
Warnings: Angst, Haldir has low self-esteem
 Haldir walked swiftly under the canopies of the great mellryn trees. Soundless footsteps treading over the bed of fallen leaves. He could not help but feel nervous anticipation as he neared your talan. Today was the day he was going to finally admit his feelings for you. He had admired you from afar for many centuries, never finding the courage to approach you, let alone divulge his undying love for you. Being a Marchwarden of Lothlorien, Haldir faced certain death almost daily. It was his job after all to lay down his life in protection of Lothlorien and all its inhabitants. But with war looming on the horizon and the future being as uncertain as it was, he had finally scrounged up the courage to confess his feelings to you.
The sun was just beginning to peak over the tops of the trees, bathing the wood in a glorious golden light. As he climbed the curving steps of the mallorn that led to your talan, Haldir could not help but think of you. He thought of the way the sun would reflect off your amber colored eyes, and the way your rich, copper hair would shine like a fiery halo splayed across the heavens. Lost in his musings, Haldir found himself stood in front of your talan, palms slick with sweat. As he stood there, as weak legged as a newborn fawn, Haldir chastised himself. He was a Marchwarden of Lorien! He served the greatest rulers in all elvendom, Lord Celebron and Galadriel, Lady of Light! Surely, he could find the courage to confess his feelings to you! With newfound courage, Haldir made his way towards your front door. Fists clenched; he lifted his hand about to knock when he caught sight of you through your window. You were giggling, cheeks flushed with pink as he saw his brother, Rumil, kiss the delicate skin on the back of your knuckles. Haldir’s heart shattered and his stomach dropped. How could he have been such a fool? Of course, you could never possibly harbor feelings for someone like him; a socially awkward brute who found more peace on the fences than he did around others. How could he have ever imagined you would feel any sort of affection towards him? Especially when his perfectly charming brother could sweep any elleth off their feet with little more than a smile thrown their way? With that final thought, Haldir swiftly turned and all but ran down the steps, taking two at a time. He had to get out of there. He needed the peace and solitude of the trees. He loved his brother and, he loved you. How could he stand in the way of either of your happiness? He would not. He could not. But he also could not be a specter to the romance between the brother he loved more than anything and the elleth who had stolen his heart.
Foregoing his own talan, for he did not have the heart to face Orophin after such a devastating blow, Haldir made his way to the training yard. He would borrow armor and weapons from the armory and from there, he would go straight to the fences. He would ensure his stay at the fences would be extended for as long as possible. At least until his heart had mended. With that in mind, Haldir raced towards the training fields, banishing all thoughts of you from his mind.
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uncpanda · 7 years ago
Stubborn is as Stubborn Does: Part 3
Summary: The word of the day is choice, but for Haldir there is no choice. You are his Fae Gwedh, his soul mate, and he will stand by you forever. You on the other hand, were transported from a very modern world, and a not so great situation, into the equivalent of the middle ages with three brothers. After a hundred years, with little interaction from the outside world, you’re more than a little surprised when Gandalf sends you and your three younger brothers to Helms Deep for protection. When the location leads to you meeting an elf, and a touch leads to a bond, you set out on an adventure that you were sure you’d never have. And with more than a few tough decisions ahead, you know things are going to change, and hopefully it will be for the better.
Pairing: Haldir X Reader
Part 1, Part 2
    You enter the mead hall with more than a bit of trepidation. Sam stares into it with a twisted look on his face as your other brothers hurl into buckets. Sam’s eyes slide to you, “We could just leave them here.”
    You shrug, “That . . . is certainly one idea.”
    “Do you have something better?”
    You smile, “Leave them here until they seek us out.”
    You wrap an arm around his shoulders and lead him out of the mead hall. You find Haldir waiting just outside. He raises an eyebrow in question, and you simply say, “They’re hungover.”
    He says nothing else about it, instead changes the subject, “How about some food?” His eyes flicker to the mead hall, “Some distance away from here.” You’re ready to offer some sort of excuse when Sam asks, “Are we going where the other elves are?”
    Haldir smiles, “Indeed.”
    The remaining elves, which is comprised of more than you would think are settled in a more isolated part of Helms’ Deep. They are conversing in their own language, when you show up. It stops the moment they spot you, as they stand in respect of Haldir. His hand settles on the small of your back and he says, “This is Y/N, my Fae Gwedh.” His eyes then go to Sam, “And this is Sam, her brother.”
That’s all Sam needs, he surges forward with questions, and you watch with a smile as Haldir hands you some sort of bread, and water. Haldir sits beside you, and watches with you. “You’re very protective of him.”
You nod, “Sam is special in a lot of ways. He’s very inquisitive. He loves life, and never thinks ill of anyone. Never met a stranger. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that way. I worry one day he’ll meet the wrong person, or even worse, an orc.”
“You are the oldest?” you nod, and he smiles, “I am as well. I have two younger brothers, Rumil and Orophin. They remain back in Lothlorien, protecting it in my stead.”
“You’re the captain of the guard?”
He nods, “The Marchwarden.”
“Very impressive.”
“And you, where do you stay?”
You think about it for a moment before saying, “We live in a small cottage with a small farm, outside the realms of man. The only company we receive are rangers and mischievous wizards, who don’t know when to stop meddling.”
He smirks, “You and lord Celeborn would get along well with that thought.”
You let out a small laugh, “I shouldn’t speak ill of him. He’s helped us more than once. Saved our lives a time or two.”
“And never let you forget it, I’m sure.”
“He does have a way of finagling tea out of me whenever he comes to visit.”
“Is that such a big thing in your home?”
You nod, “If only because it also leads to him smoking that pipe of his inside as well.”
“Well, you’ve never said anything about it to me.”
You look up to find the wizard staring at you, but you make no move to stand up. Your body is still sore, and you have no desire to move. Sam on the other hand . . . “Gandalf.”
“Samuel! It is good to see you my boy. Where are the other two?”
“Hungover in the mead hall.” Sam chirps.
“Perhaps you could go retrieve them for me, while I talk with your sister.”
Sam sprints away, and you watch him go. The minute he’s out of earshot Gandalf
says, “You need to return to the cabin.”
    “You forced us from the cabin to come here.”
    He nods, “Yes, but it is no longer in harm’s way. The rest of the fighting shall take place in Gondor. You will stay safe there, far away from Sauron's sight.”
“There’s no way for him to get there you know. We’ve spent a hundred years looking and found nothing.”
“Yes, but I do not underestimate the power of Sauron. One world to defend is quite enough thank you.”
“And you’ll tell Will and Henry this, right?”
“I’ll knock them out myself if I have to.”
You stare at each other before someone clears their throat. Your eyes drift to Haldir, whose eyes have narrowed on the two of you. Slowly he says, “Mithrandir, you have been hiding things again.”
“And what concern is it of yours, Marchwarden?”
He utters but two words, “Fae Gwedh.”
The wizard slumps before turning to you and saying, “You can never do things the easy way, can you?”
You smile, “Apparently not.”
“Has the bonding taken place?”
Haldir responds first, “Not yet.
Gandalf frowns, “With the elves leaving Middle Earth?”
This time Haldir stands, “Not all wish to go.”   
“Rivendell has emptied, your lady is soon to leave, only the Mirkwood remains.”
“But not everyone in Lothlorien wishes to leave. My brothers and I have already declared our intent to stay.”
You watch Gandalf’s face contort, not sure why the wizard is so upset, or why he cares. “Two of the most stubborn creatures on earth, joining together. This truly is the end of times.”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing at the wizards’ dramatics, as Sam rounds the corner with Will and Henry. Neither one looks particularly great, they’re both a little green, and more than a little dirty. As Will’s eyes narrow on you he asks, “Sam says you married an elf?”
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elfy-elf-imagines · 7 years ago
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Prompt: Stop biting that fucking lip
Pairing: Haldir x reader
Warnings: Some cussing, very minimal
~I hope you enjoy anon!~ 
You never understood it. After you had been saved from an orc raiding group near the borders of Lothlorien, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn had offered you a place of safety within the city’s borders. Everyone had been extremely welcoming; everyone except for Haldir, the very man-- elf who had saved you. 
At first he just ignored your very presence, never acknowledging your presence with more than a mere nod in passing. And at the time it didn’t bother you, or perhaps you didn’t notice. You adjusted to your new reality, quickly learning the language and their culture. And at some point between arriving to Middle Earth and now you’d made friends with plenty of the elves residing there; Rumil and Orophin, Haldir’s brothers, included. But as your presence continued in Lothlorien and friendships flourished, so did his hostility. The cold glares that cut like a blade were more than enough for you to stay away from him. Even though it seemed like he was everywhere you were. But the longer you stayed, and the more you grew to learn about the people, so did your boldness. The breaking point was a heated argument you got into with yourself, blood boiling over the coldness Haldir has shown. That was how you found yourself in an argument with him about the treatment he has given you.
“Would it kill you to try and be welcoming?!” you said, your voice echoing through Caras Galadhon. The forest surrounding the capital was usually peaceful with an aura of tranquility, calming down your worst of fits. But with Haldir standing in front of you, face set in a passive expression and disinterested gaze, you were seeing red. 
“I dare say saving you from the group of orcs that were about to be your demise is enough,” he said, his voice matching his facial expression calm and cold like a freezing winter night. “That is the issue with you mortals; you always want more than you are given.” 
“You, are the most arrogant, selfish, conceited jerk I have ever met!” you yell pointing your finger at him. Despite how dangerously close your finger was to his eye, he blink; he didn’t even flinch in the slightest. “Orcs have better manners than you! How you are related to Rumil and Orophin, I will never know.” A let out a breathe you didn’t realize you were holding, sounding like a dragon about to spit fire, yet yo usaid nothing else. A million words swirled in your mind, but nothing came out. Your thoughts were too jumbled to make any sense of, anger clouding any sense of composure you usually contain. Aggressively, you bit on your lip in an attempt to bring yourself to your senses.
“Stop that,” Haldir commanded. You looked up at him, confusion plain on your face. “Stop biting that fucking lip.” he continued. You opened your mouth, but swiftly closed it, unsure of how to respond. But before you can think on it too much longer he pulled you into him, crashing his lips on yours. And it’s...nice. His lips are sweet like candy as his scent intoxicates you, pulling you further into him. His hands grapple you as he pulled you closer to him. He bites down on your lip before he pulled away all too soon. “Stop.” he sounded as breathless as you felt. 
“Make me.” you challenged him with a smirk. Mimicking the mirth on your face, he captured your lips once more. 
Needless to say, Haldir stopped being an ass to you after that.
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elfy-elf-imagines · 7 years ago
Bite Me (Orophin x Reader)
Prompt: “Bite me” and “If you insist.”
Pairing: Orophin x Reader
Warnings: light smut??
Requested by: Anonnie
“Bite me.” the words flew from your mouth before they could be stopped. The situation was like this. Being the only human in Lothlorien meant many things, most of which included being teased endlessly by Rumil and Orophin, brothers of the Marchwarden Haldir. Unlike him, they were mischievous and devious. Worst of them being Orophin. Rumil was more dramatic, but Orophin was the brains behind each operation. It was infuriating how no matter what he did, Orophin still managed to crawl under your skin with his beautiful face and angelic laugh that you wanted to hear over and over again. Even when it was at your expense.
Somehow, you’d managed to find yourself in an argument with mention ellon in front of the Talen you’d been living in. You were losing your temper and getting heated while he remained cool and collected with an infuriatingly smug smirk on his face, which only angered you more. If you had been in a better state of mind, the words may have never slipped through your teeth, but they had and Orophin had heard them clear as day.
“If you insist.” those were the last words from Orophin, before he had suddenly pushed himself flesh against you. Your breath caught in the back of your throat, face bright red from your current position. Orophin smirked cooly at you, reaching around your waist to open the door. He pushes you into the small home, closing the door with his foot; not once did he miss a beat. He prowled towards you until he stood right in front of you, bodies barely an inch apart. The two of you stare at each other for a moment, the tension in the room building until it was unbearable for either.
You don’t remember which of you made the first move towards the other, all you know is his lips were on your in a searing kiss that turned you to jelly. He caught you by placing his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and closer until not even air could pass the two of you. He moved his mouth from your lips to your jawline until it found it’s spot on your neck. He bit down making you whimper at the pain, but he sucked and licked, soothing the wound before you could pull away. You gasp in pleasure at the sensation, one hand lightly pulling at his hair, the other delicately tracing his ears. You feel him shiver against your body, a small moan resonating on your neck. As you continue your ministrations, Orophin picks you up effortlessly, walking to where your bed is located and the placing you and himself on it, his body on top of yours.
Catching his lips in another kiss, now both of your hands are tangled in his hair, softly tugging here and there. You’re in bliss. There’s a heat in between your legs that grows the harder that Orophin kisses you. He pulls away and leaves you panting as he removes his tunic. The sight of his naked chest is truly a sight to behold. Fingers trace his abs as you stare in wonder at him. Quickly and nimbly, he rolls over and switches your positions. Now you straddle his hips. His hands wander under the flowy dress your wearing. What used to feel freeing and comfortable now felt tight and restricting. In a fluid motion, you remove the dress over your head and toss it somewhere in the room. You close your eyes as you feel Orophin’s curious hands wondering over your body. He pulls you to him, kissing you passionately. A promise for a night you soon wouldn’t forget and certainly not the last one.
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